6. Pain that never leaves

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" You're so slow!" I shouted as I ran in front of Henry who was struggling to keep up. He was actually very fast for a human even though I wasn't even running at full speed. I decided to slow down so that Henry could catch up with me. It wasn't long before in a very swift movement I was lifted up by him. It took me a few seconds to register that I was in his arms. I looked at him and playfully glared, making him grin.

"I knew I'd catch up." He said as he set me down. I smiled and took his hand as we walked through the jungle. I had always loved the Zambian jungle. It calmed me and walking through it made me feel one with nature. But with Henry here by my side, it was better. "So where are you taking me?" He asked.

"It's a surprise. Let's hope there's no one there." I said as I pulled him through the little pathway. Henry stopped me to take some pictures of the lizards, birds and butterflies that were laying around. It wasn't long before we reached the waterfall I wanted to show him.

"It's beautiful." Henry said as he snapped some pictures and looked at it in awe. I took off my tribal wear and walked past him to the water. I walked in the little river below the waterfall. I stopped once the water had reached my neck. I looked at him with a mischievous grin and he placed his camera on the ground along with his clothes. He joined me and I placed my arms around his neck.

"What do you think?' I asked as I looked around at the trees and flowers on the river bed.

"You look beautiful." Henry said once I looked back at him and I rolled my eyes. "I was talking about the place." He nodded but quickly pressed his lips to mine. I smiled.

"You missed me that much?" I asked. I had been attending to tribal affairs so I had no time to spend time with Henry or my friends.

"Yes." He whispered, as he put his hands on my waist and brought me to him. Suddenly burning with desire, I kissed his lips passionately. Henry quickly responded and I forgot my surroundings. All I could think about was him as his hands gripped my waist, how he smelt so good and how soft his lips were. He pulled away as he smiled, his brown eyes glowing with happiness.

"I want to do this everyday for the rest of my life." I ended up blurting out. I always was afraid of saying stuff like this. It was like a promise to be with him forever but we were just teenagers. Anything could happen. The gods might decide to kill me off one day.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I know I'll definitely enjoy this view." Henry said as he cupped my cheeks and I blushed. He kissed me again and I thought nothing could be better than this....

I looked over to Charlotte's sleeping figure. I was surprised that she had not woken up when I did. She had become a light sleeper ever since we started sharing a room. Every time I ran off into the night I would get a call five minutes to come back home if it wasn't an emergency. Maybe she was awake and was just waiting for me to jump out of the window. But then school and work had been so hard on us recently that we always fell asleep immediately we got in bed.

I couldn't sleep. It was sad, really. I was up because a boy had kissed me. But it's not just any boy, I reminded myself. He was my lover and I broke up with him because of the stupid tiger in me and the stupid gods. But today when we kissed I didn't get the urge to kill him. Were the gods granting me this one wish? I had tried to contact them but I got no answer. I looked over to my cousin again. She had told me not to go to him, not even to think of him. But how could I not when he kissed me like that? It reminded me of last summer when they all accompanied me to Zambia for at least two weeks. It was the best weeks of my life.

I wanted his hands on me, his body towering mine and his eyes on me. I was in control. I could feel it. I looked at the time. It was one in the morning and it was very unusual for us to be sleeping around this time. But we had decided to give ourselves a one day break. The crime rate was so high that the mayor just made a temporary law for those above 18 to carry a gun with them at all times. The police were in full work. Even now two cop cars had just passed the house.

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