18. The Day when My World broke part 1

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Henry's POV

We were losing. Roxy was in excruciating pain. I could her breathe heavily as she used her sense of smell to fight the enemy. I tried not look at her eyes that were nonexsistent. She had ripped them out so the acid would not harm her farther. More people in black with the weird symbols on their chests came in and it was getting harder by the second to fight back. We were good fighters but we were only two against thirty or more people. I could her whimper a bit when they aimed for her eyes.

This was all my fault. I thought I could live a normal life. When I had accepted to be Kid Danger, I was 13 and I thought it would be cool to fight crime. But it had been 4 year and I had been exhausted. I wanted to live a normal life. I wanted nothing to do with the superhero life. Even after I heard Ray was missing, I tried my best to ignore it. But is should have known that once you're in it, you can never come out. I regretted not being with Roxy. Even after she attacked me, I wasn't mad at her. I knew she didn't do it on purpose. But I thought her being away was the best. That was what Jasper convinced me.

A bunch of men started to grab Roxy and put her on a makeshift metal stand. I didn't know what they were planning to do but I didn't like It. I tried to reach her but the guys wouldn't let me. I heard screaming as Piper ran in Roxy's direction only for one man to grab her and throw her across the living room. She hit the wall with so much force that she made a dent into the wall. She fell and didn't move. "Piper!" I screamed as I ran to her only to be caught by multiple of them holding me back. "What did you do to my sister?!" I screamed but that's when the same guy walked towards me and kicked my leg so hard that I screamed so hard. It was definitely broken. The other men used this opportunity to tie me up. I looked over to Roxy who they had tied up. They connected something to the stand and I gasped when I saw what it was. "What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted. Roxy looked like the pain was taking a big toll on her. She looked dead on the stand.

"Mom!" Piper suddenly screamed.

"What baby?" My mom answered. I tried to look over but they blocked me.

"I can't move! I can't move at all!" She screamed in between tears. I looked at the man who had done that to her.

"You're a monster." I spat on his shoes and that earned me a kick in my abdomen. I watched as one of the men by Roxy flipped a switch and she started rapidly twitching. They were electrocuting her! "Stop that! You're gonna kill her!" I shouted and they started laughing. My mom and Piper started wailing. I couldn't help it as tears started to fall down my face. Roxy was screaming every time they electrocuted her. Then they electrocuted her and she didn't move. she didn't make a sound. No, there was no way she was dead. There was no why. "I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed as I tried to get myself out of these chains. I only ended up hurting myself more.

"You're not gonna do that." A man with an expensive business suit entered our home. They all bowed down to him. He had the same symbol on his chest. He had long black hair tied up in a bun and he wore shades but his eyes seemed to be glowing behind the glasses. He was Asian like the rest of them I still didn't understand what was happening. These people looked like assassins and crooks. Why were they here in a small city like this?

"Why not?" I asked. I hate that i was chained up. I couldn't do anything. They had killed Roxy, the only person I had really loved. My heart ached but I had to show I was strong in the face of the enemy. That was what Roxy would have done.

" You obviously can't kill anyone when you're chained up Henry." The man said and I gasped. He walked up to Roxy and checked her pulse. "No pulse. Good job everybody." they all bowed down to him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Jeong Yeom-gwi. I am just humble servant to our master. For some reason she fears the tiger virago greatly. I don't see why. It was easy to kill her. I didn't even have to lay a finger on her. The threat has been neutralized. Let's pack up." He said as he looked at me with an amused smile. It was okay. Let him smile now. I would avenge Roxy. I would kill all of them. Next thing I heard screaming outside and more fighting. The screaming sounded weird and loud. Some start to head outside and I try to cover my nose of the putrid smell Of Roxy's flesh. I couldn't look at her. I heard as my mother wailed and Piper was screaming insults.

Suddenly the lights went off. There was a bit of a shuffle. I couldn't see a thing. when the ligfht came back off. Roxy wasn't on the stand but there was a tiger with burnt fur and no eyes but glowed blue and stood on top of the stairs. I watched as Roxy killed all of them. She tore their limbs and bites their heads off. I smiled in satisfaction. Jeong Yeom-gwi ran away as the rest of his men and women got killed. I watched once everyone was dead, Roxy walked towards me and I smiled. "I'm so glad you're not dead." I didn't know if she heard me or not but she laid next to me then passed out. My mom was screaming in the background but it didn't matter to me. I knew Roxy would be okay.

The door that had been left open by their leader, Jeong Yeom- gwi . Charlotte, Blaire, a man and a woman that looked barely than us came in ready to fight but Blair gasped when she saw all the blood. I was surprised that Blaire was here. How did she get involved in all these? Charlotte ran to Roxy and checked her pulse and let out a gasp. "She's barely breathing. What did they do?" She asked me.

I didn't know what to tell her. She would not like it. I looked away from her. The guy came and untied my chains. "What's wrong?" He asked when he realized I couldn't stand up.

"They broke my leg." I said and it was in excruciating pain. He suddenly concentrated and with two fingers he lifted me up with telekinesis. I was gonna complain because it did not sit right with my stomach but I knew we had to leave immediately before backup was brought. Piper was carried the same way with the lady . They looked a bit similar so i imagined they were twins. Charlotte helped my parents to leave the house. There was a huge bus outside and when we entered it, it looked amazing. Normally I would be excited but I didn't question it. Charlotte led us to the back of the bus where Schwoz was and started checking Roxy's vitals. Blaire, and the twins went to the front and we started to move. There was a lot of screaming outside and it was louder than the engine of the bus. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Rick Twitler and his assassins are taking over Swellview. The police and the army stationed are trying to fight but its not going well.' Charlotte said and I looked at her surprised. Rick Twitler was a celebrity and owned Twitflash. But I knew from their facial expressions they weren't lying. What were we gonna do now?


Sorry for the short chapter.

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