15. Regrets

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It was a week before Christmas break. Everyone was excited to leave to school for a few weeks and I was as well. The school had been filled with colors of gold, red and green decorations. My auntie had been singing Christmas songs since the month started and she had tried to get Charlotte and I in the mood. 'You can't be bitter during Christmas', she would say. The class was about to start so I quickly put my things in the backpack. Then I heard one of Blaire's minions shout, "Attention!"

I rolled my eyes as I watched Blaire's boyfriend and another jock lift her up and she started to wave at us like she was a celebrity. " Guys, I just wanna announce that I'm having a Christmas party on the 20th. Everyone is welcomed to come." she said and I was surprised. She never invited our whole class over. It was always the 'popular kids' that were invited. I got closed my locker and was ready to head off until I smelt Blaire right behind me. I turned around at me and she grinned at me but this time it didn't seem annoying as it usually did. I could tell something was wrong with her. "You should come too." She said and I frowned . Why was she being nice?

"I don't know about that." I said and I left her standing there.


"So are you going to the party?" Schwoz asked as we entered the Man cave. Charlotte looked at him with surprise but I looked at him with annoyance.

"How do you know about that?" Charlotte asked and he gave us a weird smile.

"It's all over blure's social media." Schwoz said with excitement and I rolled my eyes.

"First of all, It's Blaire." I said and Schow repeated after me.....saying blure. I sighed and placed my hands on the sides of my forehead. I didn't want a headache. "Second of all why are you looking at teenager's social media instead of cracking what we got from Twitflash?" I asked angrily as I walked towards him. Schwoz whimpered as he backed away. At the same time, the twins came out the hatchet.

"Roxy you are so right." Phoebe said as she walks down the stairs and I rolled my eyes. Of course they were eavesdropping. "But... we should definitely go to that party." She said excitedly. She came up to me and gave me puppy eyes. I looked up at her. She was taller than me. I scoffed.

"One thing that doesn't work on Roxy is puppy eyes." Charlotte said with a laugh and I nodded. The only one who ever got to me is Henry. He had always looked so cute when he did it, I couldn't refuse. Max came and joined his sister and I groaned.

"Please stop." I said and they did. Then they went away to discuss something as if I couldn't hear them if I tried. But I didn't care. I sat on the couch and breathed in and out. Sometimes it felt like I wasn't breathing at all.

"Maybe we'll get a break for good this winter break." Charlotte said and I nodded. All I wanted to do was to stay in bed the whole day if I could. I hoped it would happen. The twins came to us smiling. I groaned.

"I think we should really go to this party." Phoebe started and Charlotte and I sighed. "We did a lot of work the other day going to Twitflash. We could be branded as criminals. Don't you want to have a little fun before all of Swellview hates us? We really worked hard the day and it was terrifying. We're mostly couped up here. I am getting tired of Schwoz...."

"We're getting tired of Schwoz." Max corrected. "He is super weird."

"Yes, he is. You know it's not good for humans to stay inside for long because..." And she went on and on and on. I was really surprised that she was not tired of talking. She had gone on for an hour and I was getting really irritated. But I knew she wouldn't shut up till I said yes.

"Can you shut up! We'll go okay." I said and the twins cheered. I stood up and went to get meat from the auto-snack machine. I really hoped I wouldn't regret this.

The Tiger Virago 2: Duty or Heart (Henry Danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now