5. The Questions that follow me

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The jungle became thicker and thicker as I chased the tiger with pink eyes. It was beautiful and rare and I wanted a picture of it. I tripped a couple of times as the vines became bigger and the tree branches became longer. As if the trees had a mind of it's own, one carried me up since I was stepping on it but I jumped from it and hurt myself in the process. I stayed on the ground and questioned myself, why was I chasing this tiger? At that moment the tiger looked back at me and I knew who it was.

I could tell I was in huge trouble from the way Kaweme's face looked. She was a tiger but still could make facial expressions. The jungle stopped attacking me and I bowed before her even though she had told me multiple times that I was in their ranks. If I really was, I could still be with Henry and I would never had to follow their rules. "You don't need that boy." Her motherly voice rang in the jungle that was my mind. I forgot in this plain our minds are linked.

"And how would you know that?" I asked.

"Because Tiger warriors who always end up with lovers die."

"We may be demigods but you should never forget that we are still half human. Humans cannot live without love. That is why I have my mother, my auntie, Charlotte, Jasper, Schwoz, Ray and most of all Henry."

"And that's what makes you weak!" She shouted and the jungle ground shook underneath my feet. I sighed. It was better to be anywhere else but here.

"Actually what I have learnt these past years is that having those you trust by your side makes you stronger. They care for me and I for them. Look at how well Swellview was doing with the three of us protecting it. The crime city had almost become crime free. Despite all the criminals we had to take down I lived in bliss. I fought, won battles and had the boy I loved right beside me. That's why you gods haven't contacted me in almost a year." I was not going to let anyone change my mind on my views. My life had been amazing. Now it's falling apart. I watched as Kaweme looked surprised on what I had said.

"I guess you're right. Honestly I have never seen anything wrong with humans. Some are evil, yes, but some fight for things that they love and I've always wished I could love. I may be a higher goddess but there is still a lot of gods who think you are better off alone. After all you were born to serve us." Kaweme said sadly. She had never told me anything like this, anything pertaining to her. It was nice to see that she did have some feelings even though she did not understand me.

"Thank you for understanding a bit." I told her.

"You've always been in my favor. I know you will show the gods great things that will defy their rules."

"Thank you." I watched as her eyes glowed pink and she gasped. "What?"

"This mission of yours might not end well. You need to find Raymond Manchester as soon as possible. He's not near....." her voice became fainter and I tried to grasp to the jungle but her white form was disappearing.

"No!" I shouted and a bright light appeared and I opened my eyes to find myself in the mancave's infirmary. I heard loud footsteps and Charlotte ran to me, worried.

"What's wrong? Why were you screaming?" She asked.

I sat up, no longer in pain. She healed me. "I was talking to Kaweme. She said that this mission might not end well and that Ray is not near. That can only mean he's not in Swellview anymore." I stood up and stretched then walked over in the infirmary. She said mission. I didn't even know who we were fighting yet.

"She told you this?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes, but the gods probably heard her that's why I woke up." I said. Charlotte nodded but then sighed.

The Tiger Virago 2: Duty or Heart (Henry Danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now