19. The Day When My World Broke Part 2

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I lay in one of the beds as Schwoz came to examine my leg. I was tired and the pain in my leg increased as I laid in the bed. "Please check my family first," I told him and he sighed.

"I would but we need you to fight. Roxy is out and yes the Thundermans are here but I don't know if I wanna send the younger ones out there to fight. Also, Blaire is inexperienced," He said as he continued to examine my leg.

"The Thundermans?" I asked.

"Yes, they are a family of superheroes," Schowz said as he touched somewhere and I gritted my teeth as I tried to scream.

"Wait, did you say Blaire?" I asked as I suddenly realized that Schwoz had said her name. I remember seeing her but then I thought it was all the pain I was in.

"Yes, she's here. We discovered she has the power of sonic scream and probably super hearing. She decided to help Roxy because she said she heard her in pain." Schwoz said as He touched another part of my leg and I tried not to scream. My mom stood up and walked towards me with tears in her eyes. She had a few scratches but she looked fine. She held my hand tight and tried not to cry as Schwoz continued to do his exam.

"How's Dad and Piper?" I asked and that's when my mom burst into tears.

"Your dad has passed out but he's fine. Piper has also passed out but.... I don't think she can move." She said in tears and I closed my eyes as I heard her sobs. I really can't believe this was happening. A few hours later we were fine and now... I could the screaming and gunshots outside. How did everything fall so quickly?

"Your leg is broken," Schwoz said with sadness in his voice. I can bandage it and put a cast on it but we need proper hospital supplies to look at it. I nodded and Schwoz left to check on Piper. My mom followed him and I sighed. A broken leg was not going to help me or anyone. Where were we even going? The bus came to a stop and I heard someone leave. Someone came back in and The bus continued to drive off. It wasn't long before Jasper came into view covered in blood with tears in his eyes.

"Bro, what happened to you?" I asked. Jasper just looked at me and didn't say anything. The blood didn't look like his. Where was his mother? Why didn't they pick her up too? I looked to see the female twin whispering something to Charlotte and her eyes went wide with shock. She quickly walked to Jasper and took his hand and walked past me. I heard a door open and close. "Hey," I called out to the female twin. She looked back at me and said,

"My name is Phoebe."


"I know." She said with a frown and I sighed. I wondered what she had heard about me. Probably nothing good.

"What happened to Jasper?"

"I'm not sure but he had his mother in his arms. She was dead," she said with a worried face. I couldn't believe it. Who were these people? How could they do this? They made Jasper an orphan. They hurt my family and they killed Roxy. I was grateful to her gods that they brought her back but she was not the same. This made my anger burn. How could they? The bus stopped again and I heard someone come in.

"What is happening out there? Some ninjas have been attacking the city." I recognized the voice. It was Mrs. Page. I heard my mother explain what happened to her. I tried to tune out all the noise. The exhaustion and the pain were getting to me. I closed my eyes.... then I was woken up by a loud bang, the whole bus turning over, and the crunch of metal. I started coughing as I managed to stand up. The bus was turned over and there was a scream. There was smoke everywhere and my leg hurt more than it did before.

"Let's go!" I heard Charlotte shout and that's when I tried to walk forward on the windows that were now broken. I found my mom trying to wake up my dad but he had a huge gash on his head. I rushed quickly. I hoped he wasn't dead. My mom was wailing and Piper was now up but she was crawling towards the entrance.

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