1. Why are you picking fights ?

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You shouldn't be here ", the guy said softly looking deep into the boy's eyes.
He looked scared and innocent to the core which made him want to tease the kid more.

He wondered how a cute boy like him would react if he suddenly told him to get on his knees and pleasure him. He likes seeing cute boys cry.

The boy gulped and looked at the man carefully before asking ,
" What do you want to let me go ? "

The man made a thinking face before looking at him like he is a meal. The boy looked uncomfortable making the guy smirk. He tried to reach for the kid's face but the other held his hand , harshly.
He looked at him surprised , he thought the kid would be too scared to move but when he looked back to his face his whole aura had changed. The man was confused and intrigued at the same time.
The boy pushed the guy's hand back and rolled his eyes.

" Seems like you know what I want ", the guy said.

He sighed and grabbed his collar harshly while saying ,
" Whatever you want , just take it "


" Ok repeat , why do you want to know the weakness of P'Payu again ", the boy asked her bff , Rain. 

" Because he called me dumb ! I literally am the topper after you of course but I am super smart. How dare he say that !", Rain exclaimed.

" Why are you picking fights with a senior ?", the boy replied while starting his lunch.

" Forget that , are you gonna help me or not Sky ?",  Rain asked with seriousness.
Sky looked at him for a few seconds before giving in and saying yes.

Sky and Rain were bff's since they were born, cause of family relations they grew up like siblings and always stuck up for each other no matter what. They were excellent students study wise but caused their fair share of troubles attitude wise.
They both grew up in wealthy families so they were pampered and privileged.
They got new branded clothes every summer , they always went to school and college in their cars and their meals were top notch. Of course if they wanted they were allowed to eat street food once in a while as their parents were very open to them. Currently they were in their second last year of med school. They got an internship opportunity early on in a well known hospital so they visited patients there regularly as well.
Recently , Payu , a graduate in their college who was known to be a legendary student came to visit and Rain got into an argument with him. This pissed off Rain and now he is out for revenge , finding weaknesses of Payu.

" I'll go to the hospital today , i have a patient ", Sky informed Rain before leaving for his final class which Rain was gonna skip.
Rain and Sky got a house together as a present for getting into their dream college with the top scores. Since they lived alone no one kept track of their classes thus they had much more freedom.
Rain nodded as he escaped out of the college building and drove off in his car.
Sky also took his car to the hospital after his last class ended.
He was greeted by the doctors and he greeted them back. He had a special appointment today.

" Always on time I see ", a male voice called out.

Sky looked back to see his patient.

" Of course ", He said professionally.

His patient was suffering from a mental condition which caused him to have a rare case of personality disorder.

" You should be able to control this by now. Soon you can get rid of it ", Sky said after the checkup was done.
The guy nodded with a smile , he was in a good mood.
After keeping his instruments away Sky hesitantly turned to ask ,
" Hey Gun , i was wondering do you have time ?"
" I do , wanna grab a drink ", the patient said immediately. Sky nodded a yes.
After her work Sky and Gun went to the cafe next door where Gun offered to buy them coffee. After getting the stuff he sat down and said ,
" So how can I be of help ?"

Sky looked at him nervously and asked ,
" Is there a chance you might know someone named Payu , he used to be a star student in my college."

Gun looked at Sky confused and then asked ,
" You really don't know who P'Payu is ? That's surprising "
Sky nodded no cutely making Gun laugh a bit before saying ,
" He is your dad's personal doctor ."
Sky was beyond surprised. His expression made Gun laugh a bit more.
" Seriously , he is that guy ? Wow , my dad kept obsessing over that guy like he was some god. I can't believe this , seriously ?", Sky asked and Gun just drank his coffee in approval.

" So why do you want to know , are you interested in him ?", Gun asked.

" Nope , not at all , he pissed off Rain in the wrong way and now he wants to know his weakness ", Sky said unbothered.

" Ahh , so revenge. What are you guys gonna do , fire him ?", Gun asked nonchalantly.

" No that's too easy , is there something else about him ?", Sky asked.

" He goes to your dad's illegal racing events , he is friends with the best racer there ", Gun said.

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