19. When will you understand ?

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" Never have I ever thought that I could be here as this place's owner ", Rain announced as he hopped into the event.

Sky smiled at Rain's childish habits as he spoke up ,

" We don't really own this place , it's dad's ."

Rain showed a sulking face to Sky for ruining the mood but then went onto jumping around again.

" Rain I forgot my phone in the car , I'll grab it and come ", Sky said as Rain threw the key to him.

Sky caught it and runs back. He walked happily to a car when he heard a whistle. He looked back in fear.

" P'Gun ", Sky said as he looked at the lighter in his hand. He wasn't in his right mind right now.

" Sky , why are you doing this ? We were so good together , why are you letting it go ? What's the point of going after someone like P'Pai ? Do you think be actually likes you ? He is just playing around , he has probably already decided with whom to sleep next", Gun said.

" P'Pai isn't like you ", Sky said sternly.

" Of course he isn't , I am not a cheater. I know what I did was horrible but I have never loved anyone other than you. I haven't looked at another guy or girl when I was with you and even when you left. I have always been waiting for you ", Gun said.

" I am dating him now , he is a great guy. Leave me me alone ", Sky said with some courage.

" Sky , when will you learn. No one loves you except me ", Gun said staring into Sky's eyes. Sky just got free from Gun and went back.

" P'Pai , can I ask for a favour ", Karo , one of the other racers asked. Pai had raced with Karo multiple times, of course Pai won all the time but he admired that Karo was a force to be reckoned with.

" What's up ?", Pai asked.

" This girl, I wanna sleep with her. She said that if I take her to your condo then she'll let me do her ", Karo said.

" No ", Pai said.

" Please nah , for old times sake help me out here ", Karo pleaded.

" Ok , ok fine ", Pai said as he handed his keys but he warned the guy to not do anything illegal otherwise it wouldn't be good for him.
Karo agreed as he raced away with the key.

Meanwhile Rain found Sky in a rather unflattering situation. He was desperately holding onto a pole muttering something to himself.

" Sky what's wrong , you look pale ", Rain said as he gave support to Sky.

" It's nothing , umm can we go home ?", Sky asked.

" Yeah , sure. Let me tell P'Payu real quick", Rain said and rushed to Payu.

As he came back he told Sky that a guard had told them to go to Pai's condo on his request.

" Yeah , just take me there , that would be better ", Sky said feeling comfortable in the place where Pai lived.

Rain drove Sky to Pai's condo where they parted since Sky insisted that Rain should go back and spend the rest of the evening with Pai.
Sky lethargically walked to the door and opened it. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief as he switched on the light but it was a nightmare once the room was lit up. He looked in front to see Gun sitting comfortably on the sofa. The guys around him were the same friends that raped Sky that night.
Sky tried to escape but the guys caught up to him and threw him in front.

" Why are you running Sky ? ", Gun said as he walked up to Sky and Sky started taking steps back.

" Don't do this ", Sky begged.

" I am not such a big fool you know , why would I share someone like you with others. Cutie pie from the out , freak in bed and Einstein from mind", Gun complimented but all Sky showed was fear.

The other guys picked up Sky and pulled him to the bedroom. Sky struggled desperately so one of the guys ended up hitting him in the stomach to calm him down.

" Don't hit him again ", Gun warned as he got on top of Sky.

Sky struggled again and again , but he didn't have much strength in him. More than physically he was mentally weak when it came to Gun.

" Leave me ", Sky said.

" Sky , my dear Sky. When will you understand what I am trying to tell you? Ok how about this , make a wild guess how we entered P'Pai's condo ? Who asked you to come to the condo ?", Gun asked and Sky paused thinking.

Gun leaned in close and started to suck Sky's neck. Sky tried pushing him back and failed miserably.

" I don't believe you , P'Pai wouldn't do this ", Sky yelled as Gun continued to taste Sky's body.

" Get lost ", Gun told the other guys and they left immediately. He then turned back to Sky,

" It's up to you Sky , what you want to believe. I already warned you that P'Pai is a cheater he just needs reasons to throw away his old ones. But believe one thing , that I love you more than anything ", Gun said as he ripped Sky's clothes apart.

Gun held Sky's face delicately before planting a soft peck on his lips. He smiled at Sky before inserting two fingers and loosening up Sky. He pulled his fingers out and gently inserted his things.

" Relax or it will hurt ", Gun whispered in Sky's ear.

" Pull out , I don't wanna do this ", Sky yelled.

Gun sighed and started going faster , hearing Sky moan till he went numb to it all.

" P'Pai I dropped Sky at the condo like you asked , go to him quickly he didn't look good", Rain said quickly.

" Thanks ", P'Pai said as he was walking away but then he halted thinking back to what Rain just said.

" Rain , when did I tell you to drop Sky at the condo. I was racing ", Pai said.

" But the guard told me ..", Rain got in deep thought then both him and Pai ran.
Payu followed behind them.

( Author's note : I hope you guys liked the story. Only two more chapters to go 🥰)

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