13. Sky what happened ?

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" Ok time to get this guy out of my head and mind ", Sky said to himself as he opened all his assignments.

Unlike the other kids he was appreciating the extra work that was being given to the students cause he needed to keep himself extra busy. Rain was trampling under the pressure though. Payu helped him out with work from time to time so it wasn't as difficult for Rain as well .
Sky saw his phone as he received a text from an unknown number. He knew who it was and now he needed more work to stop thinking about the text.

" Hey Rain don't you have a date with P'Payu ?", Sky asked Rain who was sitting in front of him.

" I do but all this work isn't going to finish itself so I'll have to cancel it ", Rain said.

" I can do it for you. I am totally free so just give it to me and go to your date ", Sky said as he snatched Rain's work.

Rain wanted to revolt but he also wanted to go on that date so he just thanked Sky and got ready.
Sky waved his friend goodbye and happily sat with the work.
Rain stayed with Payu for the night whereas Sky spent the entire night finishing the work. He did sleep for an hour but he kept getting nightmares and now he was too afraid to sleep.
The next morning , Rain and Sky met in college, where Rain was on his knees thanking Sky for finishing his work. Sky just said welcome cause somewhere he needed all that work to keep himself busy.
The week was going only with Rain getting to go out with Payu meanwhile Sky finished his work willingly.

" You don't look good at all , have you even slept in a few days ?", Gun asked.

" Why ? Do I have eye bags ?", Sky asked.

" For some reason , not really but your face is hella pale. Anyway I can tell when you are stressed out Sky. What happened ? Tell me", Gun insisted.

" It's nothing , I just haven't been sleeping alot lately , that's all ", Sky said.

" And why is that ?", Gun asked.

" Idk ", Sky said.

" You don't know or don't wanna tell ", Gun said and Sky went silent.

Gun smiled and said ,
" Don't worry about it , whatever it is. Just do what i told you to do when you feel like crying ."

Gun looks outside as Sky starts to silently tear up. Sky is very conscious of someone he knows, seeing him cry. Gun keeps looking outside till Sky cries a bit , closes his eyes and then puffs his cheeks. After that he stops tearing up.

This was a trick Gun told him about to stop crying when he wanted to. While still looking out Gun passes Sky a napkin which when Gun was sure Sky had used he looked back at him. If it was someone else , they wouldn't be able to tell that Sky had just cried but it was different with Gun.

" Sky you try to overwork yourself to run from your problems , believe me sometimes it's easier to just face them", Gun said.

Sky nodded with a slight smile and then they changed the topic.
As Sky drove home he got another call from Pai. He was ok till now but seeing the call he was starting to lose it again.

" Why are you going after me ! Why ! Just leave me alone ", Sky cried out in the car as the call rang .

He went home and all of Gun's words seemed to go to waste as he overworked himself more and more.


" All good for the test ? You look a bit pale though ", Rain commented as he saw Sky come in the class.

Sky just smiled and nodded a yes. They had an exam today , thankfully it was the last one to happen. The exam started with great intensity and everyone gave it peacefully.

" Pens down ", the teacher said as the students stopped writing.

Everyone passed their papers forward to the teacher. She looked at all of them when she noticed something strange , Sky was looking down. She got suspicious.

" Sky what happened, look up ?", She yelled gaining attention as she walked up to Sky.

Sky didn't look up so she pulled him up to see his whole mouth and nose filled with blood. His nose was bleeding.

" Sorry miss , i just got a bleed. I was trying to stop it ", Sky said as he got up and then fell right back down.


" Will he reply or not ", Pai said to himself as he called Sky again. Surprisingly the call was picked up immediately.

- Hello ?

- Rain ? Why are you picking Sky's phone?

- P'Pai ? Umm Sky collapsed we took him to the doctor but he wouldn't stay there and insisted on going back home. I don't know what to do. Can you call P'Payu he isn't picking my calls.

- I am coming , I also studied medical don't worry.

Pai cuts the call and drives straight to Sky and Rain's place. Rain opens the door as Pai knocks on it.

" You really came ", Rain said but Pai just rushes inside. The house was pretty big so Pai got confused about where to go.

"Upstairs , third room from the staircase ", Rain said as Pai ran.

Rain didn't really wanna tell Pai anything regarding Sky but Payu was busy at the moment.

Pai ran to see Sky laying on the bed , coughing lightly from time to time.

" Did he take any medicine ?", Pai asked.

" He did take the medicine but he isn't sleeping ", Rain said.

Pai looks at Sky who looked on the verge of crying. He sat beside him carefully placing Sky's head in his lap. He caressed Sky's face while he slowly spoke ,

" Sky , Don't worry about anything , just close your eyes ."

Sky looked at Pai for some time before closing his eyes and sleeping. Pai took the responsibility of taking care of Sky for the rest of the day. He wiped Sky's body , brought him food , checked his temperature , gave him medicine on time , helped him sleep and even cleaned up the place.

" I don't get it , why are you going so far ? Wasn't it just a one night stand ", Rain asked Pai while they were having lunch. Sky was sleeping.

" I don't see it like that, besides is it not allowed to love someone after a one night stand ", Pai said making Rain's eyes widen a bit.

" First of all, usually people don't that's why it's called a one night stand
Second I am sure Sky sees it as a one night stand.
Third, it's kind of creepy , a few years back Sky told me the same thing ", Rain said as he started at his food.

" Well soon it won't just be a one night stand for Sky as well ", Pai said confidently. Rain just nodded knowingly. He was super against Pai but right now , he wanted to see what Pai could offer Sky. Maybe Sky did get someone right for once.

( Author's note : today is my siblings birthday so I am posting three chapters. Last one would be at night )

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