10. I don't wanna know

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" Must have been a bad day ", Gun commented as Sky ranted about his shopping trip to Gun the next day. Gun laughed from time to time while he explained his story and then got serious when he needed him to.

" So are you planning to take revenge. I can tell , the girl you met is probably , Mia. She is a close family friend. They wanted P'Pai to marry Mia. She once made a fuss at the event and your dad was really angry with P'Pai. He officially banned the girl from the event. That girl also works in the same office as P'Pai", Gun revealed.

" You really know everything ", Sky commented while sipping his bubble tea. He wanted to try something new today but he didn't like it too much.

" Well since you like asking i like knowing more just in case you might wanna know about it as well ", Gun commented and sipped on his regular black coffee.

" Well i won't let her go so easily", Sky said as Gun smiled.

After his chat with Gun he headed for a restaurant alone until he was joined by an unexpected guest, Pai. Initially he apologized for whatever Mia had said and tried to clear up the fact that he doesn't like her.

" I don't care ", Sky finally said after hearing him rant for a long time.

He started having his meal while Pai smirked.

" Ok then let's change the topic , how about we get to know more about each other. So tell me something i should know ", Pai suggested but Sky ignored him and ate his food.

Pai sighed and started to speak ,
" Ok so let me tell you about myself ,
I have one younger brother , I graduated in the US with top honours , i am close to my uncle in my family ..."

He kept on talking while Sky chewed on his food. Finally he finished and slammed the table lightly.

" I don't wanna know ", he remarked.

" But I wanna tell you ", Pai said.

He rolled his eyes and asked for the bill. The waiter handed him the bill which he was about to pay but Pai takes it and pays instead.
Sky just walked out while Pai followed behind him. He was so tired of him by now.

" Ok seriously stop following me. I won't sleep with you again so it's no point wasting your time on me. Find someone that's interested in a one night stand ", Sky said.

" What if that's not what I am looking for here. Sex isn't all i can think of ", Pai said with sincerity.

" People like you would never settle down with someone. So kindly fuck off ", Sky said and left.

Pai smirked as he saw Sky leaving.

Sky got back to his house and shut the door. Tears formed in his eyes as flashbacks echoed throughout the room.


" Just leave , i know your type ", Sky said stylishly as the man in front of him laughed. Suddenly his smile dropped as he trapped Sky between his arms and the wall.

" What if it's not what I am looking for here ? Sex isn't all that I think about ", the guy said getting a confused expression from Sky.


" It keeps happening again and again ", he screamed to himself.

He calmed himself down somehow and started to cause distractions , absorbing himself into his work.
While doing his work Sky's mind went back to what he talked with Gun. He still had to do something about Mia.
He thought for some time and then ran to Rain's room. He opened his wardrobe and took out a bunch of keys from the safe. He closed it back and left the house after locking it.
Sky took his cycle to not attract much attention. He parked it behind the office building where Mia and Pai worked. It was her brother's company. He looked around , just as he thought they still hadn't put a camera there. It was his ultimate escape and entry into the building. He often came here when he got in fights with his parents or Rain. Sky climbed to his brother's office and thankfully he wasn't there. He quickly opened his computer, the password was a combination of his and Rain's birthday. He searched for Mia's data. It seemed all clear. Then he went to check a few other things where he noticed that Mia was supposed to present a presentation today.

" I need to make her screw this up !", Sky thought to himself when there was a knock at the door.

He panicked and hid under the table without switching off the computer.
Mia walked in with a file.

She saw the chair move a bit so she asked ,
" Is someone here ?"

Sky closed his eyes wishing to be saved somehow.

" What are you doing Miss. Mia "
Sky heard his brother's voice who was confused as to why Mia was going to his seat.

" Sir I think someone is hiding under your desk", Mia claimed strongly.

Jack walked to his seat as he saw his computer open on a certain file. Then his eyes went to Sky who was cramped under the table holding his hands together , signalling Jack to not reveal him.

" There is nothing here , why are you here ?", Jack asked Mia.

Mia was confused for a second but then said,
" I had to give these files ."

" Put them on my desk ", Jack said and Mia followed, then got out of the room.

" Now what are you doing here ", Jack asked as Sky squeezed himself out of the cramped space.

" No time for that , I need you to help me hack your system", Sky demanded.

" And why is that ?", Jack asked.

" I need to teach one of your employees a lesson ", Sky said and smirked.

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