11. Why are you two fighting ?

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The meeting had commenced. It was a small private meeting but since it was with the boss , Jack , everyone was serious about it. Mia badly wanted a promotion to become Pai's secretary so she could hit on him more often. Pai decided to start first , as usual he gave a flawless presentation which was appreciated by Jack.

" I'll go next ", Mia said with confidence.

She went to the computer and opened her slide but instead of her PPT, porn hub opened. She clicked the 'X' sign in a hurry but the web page closed to another porn website. All the people were uncomfortable. Finally when it all closed reaching to her PPT, it was a mess. The font was totally off , everything was in dark colours thus nothing could be read plus the pages were all jumbled up.

" Miss. Mia you should leave ", Jack said.

" No , sir I don't know how this happened I can fix it ", Mia insisted.

" Miss. Mia we can clearly figure out why your presentation is like this, thus i would recommend you to not further downgrade your image and get out. Maybe you should also join the internship course so you can learn the basics of this company again. Only I am here this time , what if this happens with a client. Taking that in consideration you are suspended until further notice. Please get out ", Jack said sternly.

Mia left with teary eyes and packed her stuff. Everyone kept whispering about her and started even other rumours of her sleeping around.
She left in shame.


On call

- Thank you so much , i really needed to hear that.

- Your welcome ? But why did you want to take revenge from her Sky. She wasn't such a good worker and always ran behind another guy in the office so I figured putting her on suspension is a good punishment but you can't just do things like that.

- I know P'Jack but she crossed the line with me. When I went shopping the other day , she purposely hit my hand and my clothes got dirty. I had just bought them , they were really expensive. She also called me a slut and a few other things. I needed to even out with her.

- Even, I am angry now , well I guess you are capable of your own revenge now. I hope you enjoyed today. I'll talk to you later , Bye.

- Bye

Sky cuts the call as he leans back in his chair and smiles at his revenge. It went exactly how he wanted to.


" Why are you two fighting ? Tell me again", Sky asked as he lay on the bed hearing Rain rant about his fight with Payu.

Apparently he saw Payu having a meal with another girl a few days ago and now he is feeling betrayed.

" It might not be like that ", Sky said , trying to calm his friend but Rain wasn't having it.

" Sky you don't know , he told me that he was busy and that he had important things to do. This was the important thing !", Rain exclaimed.

Sky still wasn't convinced that Payu was cheating on Rain but he had to admit that whatever Payu did was hella suspicious. Someone as simple minded as Rain was bound to think the worst.

" So what do you wanna do about it ?", Sky asked.

" Take me away from him , i don't wanna talk to him ", Rain demanded.

Sky thought for a while and Rain's sudden argument with Payu actually happened at the right time. 2 weeks before the end of summer break Sky visits his grandparents who own a house in the countryside. They have a large home which is surrounded by nature so it's lovely to be there.

" Wanna come with me to my grandparents?", Sky asked.

Rain's eyes lit up. He liked that place as well , though he couldn't visit much cause he always got busy with his family or other friends.

" You bet ", Rain said and started packing.

Rain sent a message to Payu telling him to not look for him and switched off his location.

It was a 6 hour ride to Sky's grandparents but it was definitely worth it. Their mansion was heaven, it was covered with different varieties of plants , a few km away was a lake where there was fishing and boat riding. Other than that , there was a hill towards the East which had the best view for sunset and sunrise.
The house from inside was a beauty as well. It had many modern elements to itself as well but with a touch of the past.
They all had a lovely meal that night and then went to bed.

Meanwhile Payu and Pai were frantically searching for their lover and soon to be lover respectively. Payu had no idea why Rain was suddenly upset with him and he was dying to know what went wrong.
That's when his hope came , a text from Sky.

' Your bf is safe with me, idk he is mad at you so come and fix this by tomorrow.
We are at XYZ..'

Payu took a breath of relief whereas Rain was suddenly getting sneezes.

" Someone must be remembering you", Sky's grandmother commented and Sky internally laughed cause that actually was true.

Someone was remembering Rain wholeheartedly.

It was night , they had set up a camp fire for dinner. Sky's grandparents had gone to sleep while Sky and Rain looked towards the stars.

" It's a beautiful night ", Rain said.

Sky smirked and added ,
" But something is missing ."

" P'Payu ", Rain said subconsciously and held his mouth while Sky laughed.

" I didn't say anything ", Rain lied.

Sky kept laughing and then spoke ,
" You can meet him if you want. "

" Really ", Rain couldn't help but say.

" Yeah , just wait a little longer , but remember don't forgive him the second he comes to you. You gotta show your strong side", Sky encouraged Rain. Eventually they both went to sleep.

The next morning , Rain was super cozy hugging the figure next to him till he realised the person with him seemed more buff than usual. He opened his eyes slowly only to let out a little scream.

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