3. Have you tried calling him ?

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" Ok let's both be honest , what did you do last night ", Rain said as a serious discussion took place on the breakfast table. Both wanted to share but were hesitant.
" You first ", Sky said.
Rain sighed and said ,
" Together , ok , 1,2,3"


Sky knew they wouldn't like this speak so she spoke up ,
" Let me count , 1 , 2 , 3 ."

" I have to make Payu fall in love with me "
" I slept with a random guy at the racing site"

" You did what !? "
" You did what !?"

They both looked at each other in surprise and then finally calmed down. Rain pointed at Sky to rant out first which he gladly started,

" Well thanks to you who got away with P'Payu i was stuck there trying to sneak out alone and this dude came , I think his name was Pai, came and saved me from the guards. I was like thank heavens such a guy came and helped me and the next thing he told me was if I wanna get out safely I sleep with him."

" So you slept with him ?", Rain asked confused.

" What else did you expect me to do ? No one knows who we are over there. I would be long dead if he told the guards. Anyhow your turn, explain yourself and your situation with, P'Payu ,"  Sky said.

Rain looked down to calm his nervousness and then spoke ,

" So like he took me to his house and then he was screaming at me , calling me dumb again and I didn't wanna use dad so i was like , I'll just make him fall head over heels for me. I kissed him to give him a trailer but I guess he liked it so much it turned into a makeout so he's definitely hooked. I am gonna win this don't worry ."

Sky looked at him like he was some alien before saying ,

" And what are you gonna do if he falls in love with you ? Will you date him ? What the hell were you thinking ? "

Rain remained silent so the two just started eating breakfast to calm themselves down.
After the meal they both pretty much forgot about the incident and they headed for college. The college went normally but during a free class, Rain finally brought the topic back and asked Sky,
" So what should I do to make him fall in love with me ."

Sky sighed and said ,
" Just show up in front of him everyday. You know where he lives right ."

Rain nodded a yes. He was confused how that was gonna help but he knew that if there was someone who knew how to seduce different guys it was Sky. For a time in their highschool life they got to live away from home for college like experience. During that time Sky had been in every type of relationship , serious ones , playful , friends with benefits , just friends , younger bf , older bf  and the list went on. His best one was his last one that ended up in college . Rain later found out that it was a toxic relationship but Sky always remarked that it wasn't just abusive but there was also real love. Rain never understood that statement but he kept quiet cause he finally left the guy though he was always concerned about what that bastard did that made Sky finally leave him after bearing so much.

" He's not here ", the house maid said leaving Rain disappointed as he came to visit Payu as Sky suggested.
He came day after day but it was the same case. He was starting to get irritated he also started understanding why Sky told him to go there everyday.
One fine morning , both off then took an off and were sitting in their garden , Sky was reading a book under their cherry blossom tree while Rain was resting his head on his lap trying to figure out what to do.

" What's irritating you ", Sky finally asked.

" He won't meet me , every time I go there they  tell me that he isn't available or that he is off to work ", Rain replied.

" Have you tried calling him ? ", Sky asked and Rain sat up right away. He hadn't thought of that idea before.
He quickly ran back to the house to grab his phone and also grabbed Sky's phone when he saw there were 5 missed calls from their mom.

Actually since they were so close that Sky and Rain always said they had 4 parents.
The mother who was calling right now was Rain's real mother.
Rain walked out and dropped the phone in Sky's lap.
" Mom has been calling you ", he remarked and went back inside.
Sky opened the phone and called back which was picked up immediately.

- oh dear are you alright , why didn't you pick the phone up ?

- sorry mom I was in the garden and I left my phone inside , anyway how are you guys ?

- great , btw I hope you guys are able to study well for the test.

- of course we are.

- You guys should come visit more your brother is really agitated , having two younger siblings to take care of and not seeing them at all. We all are having a family dinner tonight be sure to be there.

- of course we'll be there.

- ok do your thing now , bye love you

- bye bye , love you mom

The phone cuts and Sky comes back inside  to see that Rain was still mustering the courage to call Payu. Sky got irritated , took his phone , dialled the number and handed it over to him when Payu picked it up.

- Hello ? ( Rain said very cautiously)

- finally understood what a call means I see. So why did you call ?

- where are you ? I came to your house everyday but they sent me away. Let's meet.

- if you ask nicely I'll consider it.
(Rain showed a pissed off face at that line while Sky tried to control his laughter. He  looked at Rain and signed him to do what he was told .
Rain took a deep breath and replied )

- P'Payu would you meet with me , ..... Please ?

- of course I'll be home by 6

- ok thank you , I'll see you soon then , bye
( Rain cuts the call )

" Finally I'll see him ", Rain remarked as he collapsed on the sofa as if he just ran a 20 km marathon.
Sky planned to tell Rain about the family dinner but for all the trouble he was causing he considered crashing his date to be a good option.

Rain got ready in a fitting attire which would be good for dinner as well. He was slightly confused when he saw that even Sky was dressed up fancy though he usually prefers casual and comfy oversized clothes but he didn't comment much on it.

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