14. Get away from his life

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Sky had cured after a few days. He thanked Pai and asked him to leave after that. Pai didn't really wanna go but he decided to listen to Sky this time.

" He isn't too bad you know ", Rain told Sky as they both sat in the room watching TV.

" You seemed to be super against him , what happened ?", Sky asked.

" You know , he just seemed really nice these few days. I didn't realise he cared so much. Not to mention even you seem to have a liking to him , you slept right away when he came, yeah I am salty about that ", Rain said making Sky laugh a bit.

" It doesn't matter if I like him , i can't be with him ", Sky said.

" Why ? Why can't you be with him ?", Rain asked holding Sky's hands and looking in his eyes. He wanted to be sure that Sky spoke the truth.

" I am so scared , he has been with so many people. I don't know if I am the right option. Moreover , it's frightening how similar he is to the one i had before ", Sky confessed.

" He is like your ex ?", Rain asked confused.

" Not just like him , it's like they are the same person. He says the same things like him , it's creepy", Sky said as he held onto Rain tightly.

" Is that why you have been having nightmares again ? You feel like your ex is back ", Rain asks.
Sky nods a yes in fear as Rain hugs him to console his friend.


" You seem a bit off ", Payu said as he looked at his lover. Payu had brought Rain to a pretty restaurant by the river so he could relax now that Sky was well.

" It's nothing ", Rain said. Payu let it slide this time though he knew that Rain was lying about being well. They enjoyed their meal and then went to Payu's house where Pai was waiting for them.

" Why do you crash all my dates ?", Payu commented as he saw Pai smiling ear to ear.

" I didn't intend to , I needed to ask something from Rain ", Pai said.

" If you are asking about how you can get to date Sky then forget it. You guys shouldn't date ", Rain said.

Payu wasn't liking the sudden atmosphere that was created. They all were seated inside with Rain glaring at Pai and Pai having a confused expression. He felt that he was winning Rain's favour but now it was back to how it was before.

" I don't know what else to say other than , I really love Sky", Pai said.

" I understand your sentiment but I still stand with what I said before ", Rain said.

" Why ? What is happening wrong that I can't be his ?", Pai asked.

" To be honest , if it was any other person i would rather just punch them and tell them to fuck off , but since you seem genuine I'll tell you this much. Sky doesn't have good experiences with people like you , I am sure while taking care of him you noticed how he has nightmares , he had stopped having them until you came. You remind him of terrifying memories so please just get away from his life ", Rain said.

Pai paused for some time , thinking deeply about what Rain just said.

" Then I'll fix it. I brought back his nightmares so i'll send them away , but I won't give up on him ", Pai said and went out.

Rain was going to follow him to beat some sense into him but Payu stopped him saying that they should leave Sky to choose whether he wants Pai to stay or not.


On hearing the knock Sky goes to open the door. He was gonna shut it back when he saw it was Pai but Pai stops him. Sky just ignored it and went inside.

" You didn't stop me this time ", Pai commented.

" There is no point you would find a way to come in eventually ", Sky said as he sat on a chair. He was cross checking his assignments. Pai decided to sit right beside Sky while peeping into the work as well.

" What do you want ?", Sky asked.

" I want to date you ", Pai said directly. Sky raised his eyebrows as he crossed his arms before saying ,
" Really ? Then will you do anything I ask ?"

" Of course , what do you want , tell me ", Pai asked.

" Clean the house ", Sky said.

" Huh ?", Pai said confused.

" What happened , can't you do it ?", Sky asked with a smirk and there it was , Pai picked a broom and started sweeping the whole place down. He dusted and also moped. Followed by cleaning the bathrooms and then arranging everything back to order.

" I really don't get it , why are you putting so much effort in a one night stand ?", Sky asked at last.
He was surprised to see Pai arranging his books , which was the last task to be done to make the house spotless.
Pai put the last book in place and sat at the edge of the bed on which Sky was sitting on.

" Even I don't get it , you can see I am putting in my all then why are you hesitant , what makes you so afraid? I really wanna make you get over that fear ", Pai said and Sky looked at Pai with a sad expression.


Sky looked at the tall guy confused as to why he was doing everything that was being told to him. Literally moving around the place like Sky's errand boy. His friends were also confused and tried to stop him but he insisted on it cause it might make Sky change his mind.
Finally even Sky couldn't stand it and stopped the boy.

" Why are you trying so hard , when are you gonna just give up ?", Sky asked.

" I don't get it , you can see that I am putting in my all then why are you hesitant , what makes you so afraid. I really wanna make you get over that fear", the guy said looking deep into Sky's eyes.


" You really are the same , but I guess it's just my type ", Sky said to himself as he pushed Pai to the bed and got over him. Pai was confused as to what was happening when Sky took off his shirt.

" What are you doing ?", Pai asked.

" I give in , I accept it I like you too , let's date", Sky said as he was gonna lean in for a kiss but Pai holds him in his place.

" Just so we are clear I didn't do all that to just sleep with you , i seriously like you. This isn't a fling we are seriously dating ", Pai says and Sky smiles a bit.

" Just stay like that for today, I just wanna see your face ", Pai said as he stared at Sky. Sky got off of him.

" Go take a shower , you cleaned a lot today", Sky said.

" Join me ", Pai suggested and Sky smirked and got up to pick his towel.

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