7. Where are you Rain ?

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"Why are you crying Sky? We do this all the time there are just a few more people right now ", the man said in a low whisper as he wiped away Sky's tears.

" You are out of your mind ", Sky said slowly.

" Why ? Why am I out of my mind ?", The man asked in rage.

" How can you do this to someone you claim to love ?", Sky remarked and the guy scoffed before saying ,

" Then let me do it again. "

Sky woke up with fear and shivering. He was already crying and Rain who was sleeping beside him had awoken to check his condition.

" It's been a while since this happened", Rain commented as he handed Sky some water which he drank.

He looked at Rain and hugged him tightly which he returned.

A few years back when Sky had broken up with his ex boyfriend he used to get nightmares like this every night. Eventually he had to get himself checked out and the doctor said that he had depression and few other things which Rain couldn't keep a track of. All he knew was that Sky wasn't well and that he needs to help his bestie out.
Yet till date he has no idea what happened between them that caused him to be like this. If they loved each other so much why did they break up ?

Sky was somehow sent to sleep while Rain went down to the dining area to relax a bit. He opened his phone and saw that Payu had texted him.
He replied conveniently when his bell rang. He was confused about who would come in the middle of the night but he spoke through the door anyway. 

" Who is it?", He asked.

" Delivery for Mr. Rain ", the delivery man said.

Rain was confused on what he ordered but he did that a lot so he opened the door to accept it but a hand pulled him out and away.

In the morning

Sky woke up and got freshened up. He walked down expecting Rain to be either waiting for him to come down to make something or in the kitchen cooking instant noodles. He was confused when he wasn't there. He checked the whole house and still couldn't find him. Now Sky was starting to get worried. He called Rain but the phone wasn't picked up.

" Where are you Rain ? ", Sky said to himself when his eyes fell on the open door.

He walked there and saw an empty box on the ground and the door wide open. He closed the door and went to check the security cam. He was terrified when he saw that Rain was abducted.
Anyone who knew them wouldn't dare to do something like that so that means it's someone else that's doing all of this.

Sky didn't waste any time and got to his car. He drove as fast as he could to Payu's home. He was going to enter when the worker stopped him.

" Who are you ?", He said.

" I need to see Payu , it's urgent ", Sky said.

" Well , Mr. Payu is busy at the moment ", the worker claimed.

" You don't get it , this is very important he would regret his whole life if he didn't hear me out now ", Sky said as he lightly kicked the worker and ran inside the room.

He opened the door to see Payu meditating. Payu opened his eyes in anger.

" Who let you in ? P'Min (referring to the worker )  I told you to leave me in silence ", Payu said as the worker came to the door.

" Sorry sir , he insisted ", the worker said trying to pull Sky out.

" I need to talk about Rain ", Sky said and Payu looked up.

" Let him go ", Payu said immediately.

He did as was told and went out of the room, closing the door behind.

" What about him ? ", Payu asked.

Sky didn't waste time and showed the CCTV camera recording to Payu who was infuriated. Before more could be discussed Payu's phone rang.
It was from Rain.
Payu picked it up
(On call )

- Rain where are you ?

- never thought i would hear you so anxious , so worried about your little boy but I admit he is super cute.

- Shut up Stop and let him go. You have a problem with me don't drag other people in this.

- i am sending you the address , if you wanna save your boy then come quickly and alone.

The call cuts.

" What did you do ? ", Sky asked annoyed.

He was accepting of Payu only because Rain loved him but that didn't mean that he would let Rain get in trouble.

" I am at odds with the guy , beat him in racing once ", Payu confessed.

Sky rolled his eyes and snatched the phone to check the address.
He threw the phone on the sofa and ran out to his car. Payu didn't stop him and also took his bike to the location.
Payu entered first while Sky decided to hide and attack later.

Rain was tied up by Stop and some other guys surrounding him. They all looked at Rain lustfully , he was pretty cute and they had to admit it.
Payu came running to Rain who seemed to have few bruises. He was angered from the marks but kept his cool.

" I came now let him go ", Payu said. Stop laughed and said,

" If i leave him now , you'll go as well. How about this , you kneel down and rub your face on my shoes and then I'll let him go otherwise you can watch your bf being raped ."

" You dare !", Payu yelled but Stop just moved his hand closer to Rain's shirt to threaten Payu.

Rain insisted that Payu should just leave and not do a thing that Stop demanded but Payu slowly got on his knees and bowed down.
Stop took the opportunity and started beating him up while Rain cursed at Stop.
Stop had enough of Rain's yelling and was heading to him but Payu held his leg.

" Don't touch him ", Payu said in a stern tone.

Stop scoffed but then a sound of one of his men yelling came. All the attention came to him as they saw Sky kick the guy right in the cock.
He held onto his part and fell down in pain.

" If you won't stop then I guess we just need to make sure you can't do anything ", Sky said.

Another guy attacked him but he managed to dodge and get in a kick. Even Payu got on his feet and gave a good punch to Stop.
Sky freed Rain as well who got a few kicks and punches in as his personal revenge.

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