9. Why does that make me a slut ?

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"Should I not go to his house today ?", Rain questioned Sky in the morning.

Nowadays he tends to spend his time at Payu's house but after the whole incident about the statue the other day Rain is scared that Sky is gonna have nightmares again.

" It's fine ", Sky told him.

He knew for a fact that the only way to get rid of all this stress was to do what he likes the most

It was summer anyway, this was the time that the two mercilessly took their parents black card and raided the shops. Their most expensive cars were also in their house. This time Rain's red Ferrari was chosen for the market.
They went to Hyme Street which had the most expensive brands.
Sky was trying on shoes while Rain searched for casuals.

" How is this ?", Sky casually asked looking at himself in the mirror with blue sneakers.

Rain looked at it carefully then said ,
" The black ones looked better. "

" I'll take them both ", Sky said throwing the shoes off his feet.

Then he went to check the bags and other accessories.
Rain was pretty much stuck on the clothes all day.

" I'll get some ice cream , what flavour do you want ?", Sky asked and left. He already knew what Rain wanted , he just liked asking.

He headed to the ice cream shop and ordered. While waiting his hand crashed with another girl.
He turned around to see Payu and Pai along with two other girls.

" Be careful you almost dropped my phone", the girl he crashed with said.

" Then don't stand close to me ", Sky said totally ignoring the boys.

The girl was pissed off.
" Won't you apologize ?", She yelled catching attention. Payu tried to calm her down along with Pai.

" Oppa why are you telling me to calm down you should tell this boy to apologize , she pushed her ", the girl with Pai said.

" It was an accident, just forget it ", Sky said and picked up his ice cream.

He was walking away but the girl with Pai hit Sky's hand while he was holding the ice cream. The ice cream fell on his top which he had just bought. Though he was glad that the girl dropped Rain's ice cream and not his.

"That was an accident ", the girl said.

Sky looked at her and said ,
" Then pay for it ."

" You didn't pay for my phone ", the girl with Payu argued.

" Cause I didn't break it , but since you insist", Sky said as he looked back at the shop owner who was watching the scene.

Once he made eye contact with Sky he bowed and waited for him to say something.

" Get her the latest model you have, you can put it on my card i am at the store there ", Sky said pointing at the store.

He turned around and then said ,
" Now you pay up , 100 million. "

The girl's eyes widened when she heard the price. Sky took out the receipt he had and showed it in advance in case the girl revolted.

" What a slut ?", The girl with Payu said.

Pai told her to be quiet.
" Why does that make me a slut ? ", Sky asked.

" We all know where that much money and arrogance comes from ", the girl with Pai said.

Sky nodded a bit surprised at the child's comment but decided to ignore it anyway. There was no point meddling with them.

Sky just looked at the shop owner and said ,
" The ice cream that she dropped , send it to the store."

The owner nodded and bowed. Sky kept the money on the desk again and was gonna leave when the girl with Pai held his hand.

" You should wait in line like everyone else. Why should your stuff be transferred upstairs. Are you some VIP or something ?", The girl said.

" No shit Sherlock ", Sky said as he made her let go of his hand but she wouldn't leave it.

That's when her hand was forced away by another male. She looked up to see Rain.

" Rain ", Payu said.

" Is that P'Rain ? Hello I am P'Payu's sister. I really wanted to meet you ", the girl with Payu said.

Rain bowed as he pushed the other girl's hand away. He then walked to Payu's sister and said ,
" You must be Hannah, I have heard a lot about you ."

By then the store owner from the phone shop got the phone all packed.
Sky just paid there using the card he had.
He then took the bag and handed it to Rain.

" Give it to her ", he said and Rain gifted it to  her.

" That's very expensive ", Hannah said while accepting the phone.

" Don't worry about it ", Rain said.

" Wait here for your ice cream i need to go get changed ", Sky said and that's when Rain noticed his top.

" Yah ! that was worth 100 million ", he exclaimed.

" I know ", Sky sighed and gave a glare at the girl with Pai. 

He then left and got an even more expensive cloth.
By the time Rain got his ice cream Sky also came to him.

" Wasn't this one more expensive ", Rain asked. Sky nodded as he took a bite from his ice cream.

" Who are you btw ?", The girl with Pai asked.

" My name is Sky , and i am his bff ", he said pointing at Rain who smiled in agreement.

Sky suddenly got a call , he excused himself and picked it up.

" He is super arrogant ", the other girl said.

" He is just on edge nowadays ", Rain explains.

" What happened ?", Pai asked.

" None of your business ", Rain said rudely.

Sky came back and sighed looking at Rain.

" What happened ?", Rain asked.

" We need to go , there is a sudden emergency at the hospital we need as many doctors as possible ", Sky said.

Rain immediately got up. He bowed to the girls and was about to leave when the shop keeper came to them ,

" Sir is there anything you want to remove from the clothes you chose ."

" Ugh I don't have time to see , just pack it all", Sky said and signed for Rain to pay.

Rain gave his card which the shopkeeper used.

" Why are you using your friend for money?",the other girl asked.

Sky was pretty angry by this point he just wanted to shut that brat's mouth but he just ignored her and left. 

"He has much more money than me , he is just in a hurry ", Rain mentions and leaves as well.

They drove to the hospital and it was a hectic day. Patient after patient , they only got rest at 2 am. So they decided to head to the mall nearby for a meal and spend the night at the hospital.

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