16. There is some difference

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Payu and Pai were hella nervous. Pai started to understand why Sky was super rich and Payu understood why Rain was so arrogant about running off at the event.
They hadn't talked to their partners at all and this made them super on edge.
They sat down at the command of Jack who unwillingly led them inside the house.

Both the dads walked in as Payu and Pai bowed to them. They sat down followed by Rain and Sky's entry.
They walked to their parents and sat beside them.

" Who is dating who first of all ", Sky's father asked.

" I am dating P'Payu and Sky is dating P'Pai", Rain said quickly.

" You both don't need to speak , let them talk ", Jack said and Rain got quiet.

" How did you meet Rain ?", Sky's father asked.

Payu looked up and saw how nervous Rain seemed.

" I am his senior ", Payu said carefully observing Rain's face.
Rain was relieved when he replied.

" Stop giving him signals , be honest where did you guys meet ", Jack intervened.

" We really met in college , I came for a campaign ", Payu said.

" But there is more to it right ", Payu's father asked.

" Ahh ok ok , we sneaked into your event where we almost got caught and had to run away to save ourselves",  Rain confessed quickly.

" We ? You were in this ?", Jack asked Sky.

" Obviously , who do you think found out that P'Payu was at the event ", Sky confessed with sass.

" You both are in serious trouble but first we will discuss it with these two. Anyway where do you meet Sky ?", Payu's father asked Pai. Pai internally smirked as his memories flashed but he got back to his nervous face when he saw Sky's terrified face.

" I met him at the event. I was confused about what he was doing there so I told the guard that he was with me and got him out ", Pai said. He wasn't lying about anything just not mentioning one part , the parents didn't ask more about it and continued talking to the guys.

" I really appreciate you guys , you have been very loyal to me and my family. But Sky and Rain are very precious for us so I would like you to keep in mind that you'll be left in crumbles if you hurt them ", Sky's father said.

Sky and Rain sighed in relief on hearing that while their boyfriends smiled as well.
The mothers then set up the dining table and they all had a family meal which was joyful.


" I told you it's alright , you can go ", Sky assured his boyfriend. Both of them were in a car parked outside the house. Pai wanted to cancel on his friend's birthday but since the b'day boy insisted he agreed to drop off the gift. Sky decided to wait in the car for Pai till he gave the gift. Pai walked in with confidence while all the others stared at him. He quickly walked to his friends wished him and gave the gift.

" P'Pai it's been such a long time since I saw you ", A girl walked up.

Pai looked at her and leaned towards his friend.
" Who was she ?"

His friend gave a disappointed look and said ,

" P'Jane why don't you talk with P'Pai for some time ."

Pai was confused and his friend just walked away when the girl basically came close enough to kiss Pai. Which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Meanwhile Sky who was wondering about what was taking Pai so long walked in the event. He was used to fancy events so he quickly walked to where he assumed Pai walked to and that's where he saw that Pai was talking to some girl ,  she leaning close to Pai while he just smiled and talked.
Sky looked for some time.

" I guess there is some difference ", Sky said to himself as a tear fell down his eyes. He wiped his eyes and went back to the car. Pai came out after some time . Sky just pretended to sleep so Pai drove him back to his house.



Did you wake up dear ?
(Delivered ) 9:20 a.m

What are you up to ?
(Delivered ) 11:54 a.m
Did you go to college ?
(Delivered) 11:54 a.m
Text me when you are free
(Delivered) 11:55 a.m

What happened ? I am getting worried. I am coming to your house.
(Delivered) 2:47 p.m

Where are you ? Rain wouldn't tell me where you are ? Did something happen ?
Rain seemed mad at me.
(Delivered ) 3:33 p.m

Fuck Sky please answer me I am worried to death. Please just tell me you are alright.
(Delivered ) 4:10 p.m

Sky ! I don't know what happened. I am sorry if I did something , please talk to me. I called Rain again and he told me not to talk to you.
Please tell me what happened, let's fix this.
(Delivered ) 5:50 p.m

Can you please talk to me ?
(Delivered ) 8:45 p.m

"You really aren't gonna say anything", Rain asked as he saw Sky lying on his bed doing his work.

" You didn't like him to start off , you should be happy I am doing this ", Sky remarked.

" It doesn't matter if i liked him or not , you loved him Sky ", Rain said. Sky was gonna say something when his phone rang.

" Is it him ?", Rain asked.

" Unknown ", Sky said and picked up the call.

On call

- Hello ?

- You pick up when it isn't my number ? Anyway where are you ? I am worried sick. Whatever happened just tell me let's sort this.

- You are super slow at this aren't you.
I am done playing with you. You are so head over heels, I can't make it fun for me even if I tried.

- What nonsense are you saying ? Sky this isn't funny.

- I know this isn't funny, what's funny is how a playboy like you fell so deeply for me. It's actually an achievement. Never have I ever tamed a guy like you.

- Are you serious ? We are dating ! You are really gonna do this ?

- Dating ? You think getting me under you few times makes it dating ? I have done it multiple times , nothing new. But since you are so pitiful , let me do you a favour and break up. Pai we are over.

- I don't believe you , you wouldn't do this

- Think what you want , Loser.

Sky cuts the call.

" I could have come up with better lies. So why the fake break up and making yourself the bad guy ? ", Rain asked.

" It's nothing , don't think much about it ", Sky said as he covered himself with his blanket and secretly cried.

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