4 / befriending.

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As Delilah fell from the building, she turned into her pheonix form
Delilah: you guys forgot I could fly didn't you?
Jade: Lily omg.
Gale: you had powers?
Lola: you had powers?
Jade: yep.
Gale: you 2?
Delilah: me 2!

After school

Jade and delilah meet up.

Delilah: so, what's the news?
Jade: u-uhm.... I-im.. Sorry..
Delilah: actually?
Jade: y-yeah, I'm sorry.
Delilah: I feel like this is a fever dream..
Jade: it's not, it's real.
Delilah: then I forgive you!
Jade: does that mean we're friends?
Delilah: sure why not!
Jade: friends, forever..!..
Delilah: friends forever!

Jade pov: I see her more than just my friend.

Delilah: anyways, let's go home.
Jade: btw how much does it last when I stay at your home?
Delilah: 30 days.
Jade: a whole month?
Delilah: yeah.. Cause it's that bad..
Jade: well, let's get going.
Delilah: right.

They go to delilah's car.

Jade: where's Gale and lola?
Delilah: let's wait.
Gale: Hey guys!
Lola: so, are y'all friends now?
Delilah: yeah we are! How'd you know?
Lola: I have my ways~

At the house.

Delilah and Gale talk with each other.

Lola and jade talk with each other.

Jade: I wanna cuddle with Delilah..
Lola: you have feelings for her?
Jade: w-what?! I'm not gay, I just wanna cuddle with her..

Jade blushes.

Lola: yeah acting like you aren't blushing right now.
Jade: we-well.. Maybe.
Lola: Delilah!!!
Delilah: yeah?
Jade: Lola you-
Lola: jade said she wanted to-

Jade covers lola's mouth. smiling akwardly as sweat goes down her cheek.

Jade: uhh go to grocery with you haha!
Delilah: then come! I am actually going to get groceries!
Jade: really? Uh- yeah sure!

Jade gets ready.

At the mall.

Delilah: get what you want.
Jade: fr?
Delilah: yeah legit.
Jade: you're actually like spoiling me-
Delilah: what's wrong with that?
Jade: cuz I didn't do anything for you yet-
Delilah: I don't take rewards.
Jade: wow. U r really something aren't you?
Delilah: obviously- like I'm a pheonix-

Delilah and jade continue to talk, until a fire alarm goes off.

Delilah: you ready for trouble skills?
Jade: hell yeah!

Jade grabs her phone from her pocket and records the fire.

Jade: ooh it's spreading, plus. Why are you so nice at school but always a troublemaker anywhere else?
Delilah: hiding your personality from others is best, they can take advantage of it yk?
Jade: youre a troublemaker but also smart?!
Delilah: fire is spreading, let's go.

Delilah turns into her hybrid form.

Jade: I wanna ride you!
Delilah: BITCH WHAT-
Delilah: OH OH-

Jade gets on the hybrid (Delilah)
And flies out of the mall.

Then turns into her normal form.

Jade: it seems like there are other people with forms.
Delilah: glad we're not the only one!

Jade: btw wheres our groceries?
Delilah: oh my shit- didn't you bring it?
Jade: bitch- you said you'd bring it?!
Delilah: right.. I forgot.
Jade: just turn into your hybrid form aren't you fire?
Delilah: the groceries are probably burned by now-
Jade: whoops- right, well we'll just have to go to another store.
Delilah: I want a race to SM
Jade: game on!

~𝔀𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽, 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓘 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓰𝓸?.~ (CNP X ACORN)Where stories live. Discover now