6 / 'mother'.

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They talk for a bit until jade has to go back to her neighborhood.

At sat / Saturday.

Delilah: I feel a little bit lonely, maybe I should socialize.

Delilah runs upstairs and changes, she runs down stairs and goes outside.

Delilah: half of my neighborhood isn't my type so I'll just stay here.

She breathes air, and suddenly Aiden came with Delilahs mom.
(Ms Anderson)

Aiden: hi honeypie~
Ms Anderson: delilah. Why were you ignoring your boyfriend?
Delilah: haha.. What do you mean by that?
Aiden: she got close with a girl. And they were being so flirty with each other.
Ms Anderson: you're gay?!
Delilah: yeah I am, got a problem with that?
Aiden: what?!
Ms Anderson: oh my gosh, what the fuck, you are not my daughter!
Delilah: shut the fuck up.
Ms Anderson: language you piece of a bitch shit!
Delilah: you did the same thing bitch.
Ms Anderson: I'm your mother, I can do that!.
Delilah: but doesnt mean you have to control my love life!?
Aiden: but delly.. I love you...
Delilah: but I don't, and it will be the same.
Ms Anderson: I don't even think you're my daughter anymore.
Delilah: yeah Anderson, I never saw you as a fucking mother, you adopted me but you are not a mother-

All three of them argue.

With jade.

Jade: hmm, I'm bored, maybe I should hang out with divine?

She gets ready and starts the engine in her car, and drives off to Delilahs neighborhood.

20 minutes later, jade arrives.
Jade: huh? Whose that.

Jade spots Delilah arguing with her mother and Aiden.

Jade: hey divine!!
Delilah: and that's why I never wanted to be bor- oh hey moon!
Ms Anderson: Aiden, is this the girl she was all on about?
Aiden: yes ma'am.
Ms Anderson: hello, would you mind staying away from my daughter?
Jade: huh?!
Delilah: it's my mom.

Jade whispers into Delilahs ear.

Jade: you have one of a grumpy mom.
Delilah: I know, she's just like that.
Jade: but what does she mean by you're all ov-
Delilah: let's not talk about that.
Ms Anderson: and thats- are you even listening to me?
Delilah: you don't even listen to me when I say my reason.
Ms Anderson: respect your elders young lady.
Delilah: don't child neglect old hag.
Ms Anderson: what did you just call me?
Delilah: old hag, now get out of here.

Delilah pushes Ms Anderson out of her house, grabs jade and locks the door inside.

Delilah: sorry for the trouble.. Anyways what ya here for?
Jade: idk I just came here to check on you.
Delilah: awwhh you're being concerned?
Jade: shut up..
Delilah: anyways wanna play roblox and bully kids?
Jade: yeah but wat we do after that.

Ms Anderson bangs on the door.

Delilah: we go out when they finally give up, and then we find something we wanna do-
Jade: sounds good enough.

They played roblox.

The banging stopped.

Delilah: lol, they gave up.
Jade: how strong even is your door?
Delilah: I don't know but my olda brother made it.
Jade: can it really live that long?
Delilah: yeah it can lol.
Jade: wow tell your older to fix my door.
Delilah: what broke it?
Jade: heart broke down the door
Delilah: sad.
Jade: yep.
Delilah: but the real question is, where is heart?
Jade: she's being babysitted by gale and lola
Delilah: lol I wonder if they're okay-
Jade: they're probably not.

With gale and Lola.


Gale grabs a cup of water
Gale: right!

Gale grabs the fire extinguisher and extinguishes the fire.

Lola: finally.
Gale: where's heart.
Lola: wdym she's right-... Here....
Gale: grandma where the hell is heart.
Lola: right.. Uhh gtg..

With jade and delilah again.

Delilah: they're probably doing fine.
Jade: yeah but if heart is missing I'mma go full rage mode.
Delilah: I wanna see that!!

They talk for a few minutes and then go outside eventually.

Delilah: anyways wanna go socialize.
Jade: never in my fucking life.
Delilah: aw why?
Jade: just never.
Delilah: you insulted me when we first met, yet you can't even socialize?
Jade: yesn't
Delilah: let's go buy food for you.
Jade: how did you know I was hungry?
Delilah: you always look moody when hungry.
Jade: well. True.
Delilah: anyways hop in the car.

Jade hops into Delilahs car and delilah starts the engine and goes to a store.

Delilah: get what you want, I'll pay.
Jade: yay ty suga mommy!
Delilah: yw bbg.
Jade: honestly that sounded cringe-
Delilah: and the way you said sugar sounded like souga-
Jade: it's to make it look realistic-

Delilah guys a pair of period pads, and jade guys a blanket, chips, biscuits, and a plushie.

Jade: what ya need that for?
Delilah: for you.
Jade: you already gave me a period kit yet, you still buy more for me?
Delilah: mhm.
Jade: how come you're an acorn at school but actually rich?
Delilah: looks don't define your personality neither richness.
Jade: inspiring.
Delilah: anyways, are you wearing your pads rn?
Jade: shit- I forgot to wear..
Delilah: oh my god-

I make 1 episode every 2 days, if I don't make a episode after 2 days, I probably forgot my schedule or I'm at vacation.

~𝔀𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽, 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓘 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓰𝓸?.~ (CNP X ACORN)Where stories live. Discover now