9 / prom night.

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With Aiden in the nurses office

As the nurse bandaged aiden up.
Nurse: dear, what happened?
Aiden: my crush hurt me..
Nurse: sigh, I hear that almost every time, move on.
Aiden: but she's so cute and hot..
Nurse: yes she is, but there's plenty of fish in the sea, just move on.
Aiden: I'm not giving up, plus that Acorn stole her!
Nurse: you mean delilah?
Aiden: obviously, jade was flirting with her, and I see them mostly together. Isn't that weird??
Nurse: are you homophobic or something? Leave them be.
Aiden: f---k no, jade is perfect while delilah is just an ugly, attention seeker, pick me bi--
Nurse: it isn't good to talk bad abt others.
Aiden: and she's also a Girl??? A girl and a girl is so cursed!?? The original ship is girl and a boy, like girls can't even protect, imagine if jade was in danger, delilah would just be sca-
Nurse: SHUT UP.
Aiden: you don't tell me what to do, woman-
The nurse takes the bandage off of Aiden
Nurse: go ahead and do it yourself.
Aiden: Short tempered, Lmao.
The nurse goes outside of the school to get some air.
Nurse: it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's f---king not fair?!
As the nurse cried, delilah goes back to the detention room since jade calmed down. but she stops because she saw the nurse crying outside.
She goes outside and hugs the nurse from behind
Delilah: sis, what happened?
Nurse: you know that b--ch you got forced to be with? He's such a pain in the ass, saying women are only maids, and their entertainment.
Delilah: Laura, I know, that's why I became a lesbian, because some Guys are just toxic. But don't worry, one day you'll meet your partner.
Laura: you always say that, now I'm 20, single and with at least 2 exes.
Delilah: I know how toxic the world is but, you'll find the right person soon.
Laura: I have so much doubt in that.
As Delilah and Laura talk, Laura feels a bit better.
Delilah: gotta head back to detention now.
Laura: see ya.
Delilah heads to detention.
Teacher: that equals 30 more minutes of detention.
Delilah: ehm, okay??
After a few minutes the bell rings
Delilah: recess!!!
She goes outside and waits for jade Outside her classroom.
Jade: oh my fu- Divine!!!
She hugs divine
Jade: it was hell in that classroom, it made the boys simp for me even more?!!
Delilah: Lol, Anyways. What did you even do to Aiden?
Jade: just a few scratches and a black eye.
Delilah: Awesome, but also what made you do that to him?
Jade: best if you don't know.
Delilah: alright, anyways what do you want for recess?
Jade: hmm, if they have pizza or fried eggs, I'll take that.
Delilah: alright, let's go!

Timeskip to Night

Delilah wakes up and texts jade on her phone
Divine: picking you up on 8, get ready~
Moon: alright~
Delilah gets out of bed and showers, after that she gets ready then eats dinner and starts the car, drives to jades house.
She texts jade
Divine: going to your house rn, cya.
Moon: that fast?
Divine: Mhm.

With jade

Jade: she's already heading to my house?! I just finished showering??
She looks at the time.
Jade: it's still 7:20-
She hears a knock
Jade: hah?? She's already here?!!
She opens the door
Delilah: yo eclipse.
Jade: i just finished showering.
Delilah: I have take out in my car, let's go!
Jade: crispy chicken?
Delilah: yep.
Jade: yay!
Jade hops into jades car and eats the take out while scrolling on her phone and talking with Delilah.

When they arrive at school.
Delilah gives a hand out for jade.
Delilah: let's go m'lady? ~
Jade: alright ~
As they walk into school together the entire school looks at them whispering thinking they might be a couple.
Delilah: I'm gonna go grab something from the car. You go ahead.
Jade: alright.
Jade walks to the lockers until somebody pulls them into a classroom.
Jade: what the?!
Aiden: hi my Baby~
Jade: what the fuck-
Aiden pours some strange liquid into jades mouth
Jade: what the fuck did you just make me drink?! You pyscho..
Jades vision gets a bit blurry
Aiden: when you Are in my control, you'll be heads over heels over me..
Jade: you.... Pyscho...
Jade falls to the floor and blacks out.
Jades eyes open up a bit with heart pupils, then aiden helps her up.
Aiden: hello honey bunny~~
Jade: Hi baby~~
Aiden: do you wanna dance with me?
Jade: of course baby!!~~
Aiden: just keep away from an acorn, alright?
Jade: okie baby~
When they get out jade wraps herself around Aiden's arm.
And Delilah looks at her, shocked.
Delilahs pov: why is jade with Him?!
Delilah looks at jades eyes to see her pupils changed, then she runs towards Aiden and punches him
Delilah: what the fuck did you do to jade?!
Aiden: You whore-
Aiden tries to punch Delilah but jade punches her for him.
Jade: don't Hurt my baby!!
Delilah: knew this would happen, so Jade, Who was the girl That was by your side?
Jade: Delilah..
Delilah: I was the girl, that was by your side.
Jade: you-
Jade pauses and freezes on the spot looking on her hands, seeing it glitch.
Aiden: are these the side effects?
Delilah: what the fuck did you do you pyscho bitch-
Delilah grabs his hair and smashes it into the ground, and then turns into her pheonix form and burns his arm, then Aiden turns into his dragon form and tries to hold Delilah admiring the pain.
Aiden: a bit mad aren't you?
Her face blacks out, only revealing her eye, death staring at Aiden making him Frozen in spot.

Delilah: M¥ $àñītY î$ L°W, î Ñ!ÉD LÄÙrÃ
As some teachers hold back Delilah, laura tries to calm down Delilah.
Laura: lily, don't worry. Jade will be back soon.
Delilah: He--, tøüçh-ēd, jãde..
Laura: I know, but that doesn't give you a reason to hurt them.
As Laura calms down Delilah, jade is still frozen in the spot.
After Delilah cools down, she goes to jade, and hugs her, also glitching.
Delilah: experiment 982, wake up. . .
Jades heart pupils fade away as the normal pupils.
Jade yawns and stretches.
Jade: what happened??..
Delilah: a psycho made you drink something and you were head over heels over him and there were a couple of side effects that made you glitch, then I whispered into your ear your abandoned name, and boom you're alright now.
Jade: experiment 982?
Delilah: Mhm, I saw a paper on the couch while you were getting ready.
Jade: you weren't supposed to see that.
Delilah: but why wouldn't you tell me? Keeping this bottled up only yourself knowing the pain, is just making it harder for you.
Jade: but who would care anyway, they experimented on me anyway, it made me get short temper, anger issues, a form if i get too angry, and something else I forgot.
Delilah: it's alright as long as you have a friend to talk to this with, anyways, shall we go m'lady?
Jade: sure~

As they arrive at the party
Delilah: woah..
Jade: cool isn't it?
Delilah: yep!
Jade: anyways, wanna get drinks
Delilah: why not?
Jade: what'ya want?
Delilah: sprite.
Jade: alright.
Jade gets a cocktail and water.
Then gives the water to Delilah.
Delilah: thanks.
Jade smirks as she takes a sip
Delilah: Jade, This is water?!
Jade: hehehh.
Delilah: two can play this game..
Jade: what?
Delilah: nothing! Do you want a refill?
Jade: suree.
Delilah takes a cocktail and kisses the rim of the glass.
Then hands it to jade, jade takes a look of inspection, and then drinks it.
Jade: thanks~
Delilah: no problem~
The speaker puts on some slowed dance music.
Delilah: time to dance~
Jade: oops, I forgot to put on my dress.
Delilah: oh, this isn't your dress?
Jade: nope.
Delilah: it already looks good on you, cmon!
Jade: then it's not a surprise.
Delilah: fine.
Jade heads to the locker room and changes.
Delilah: hmm, it wouldn't hurt to try some alcohol.
Delilah takes one cup of beer and drinks, after a few minutes Delilah is on her 5th beer.
Delilah: whoo..
Jade: done.

Jade goes to DelilahJade: how much did you drink?! Delilah: lol, I aiddn't drink

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Jade goes to Delilah
Jade: how much did you drink?!
Delilah: lol, I aiddn't drink...
Jade: let's get you sobered up first.
Delilah: nooowahh!!
Jade: cmon.
Jade carries Delilah to the bathroom and washes her face, and arms.
After that Delilah falls asleep on jades shoulder.

After a few minutes the speaker announces its time to vote.
Jade: divine wake up.
Delilah: mmh, okay...
She stretches and yawns, and votes.
Jade: you're back to normal now?
Delilah: what do you mean?...
Jade: you were drunk.
Delilah: I didn't even make it to 6..
Jade: dawg bruhg, you drank 5.
Delilah: and how do you know that.
Jade: there were 5 cups on your table obviously, plus don't drink too much.
The judges check the votes.
Judge1: Jade, please come on stage.
Judge2: delilah, come on stage as well.
Jade is 2nd and Delilah is first.

after finishing with the votes, the first place boy and girl have to kiss due to the school rules.
Principal: Alex and Delilah, are tonight's prom queen and king, you now may kiss.
Delilah: what the f??
Alex: I don't even know her?.
Delilah: is it always like this?
Alex: Mhm, but they always vote for the people who know eachother, and we don't even know eachother yet we have to kiss?
Delilah: it's so messed up, wtf??
As Delilah, and Alex argue with the principal jade runs backstage while crying, Delilah runs to jade.
Delilahs pov: Why is she crying?..
When Delilah finally finds jade she hugs her.
Delilah: jade, what's wrong?

~𝔀𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽, 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓘 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓰𝓸?.~ (CNP X ACORN)Where stories live. Discover now