10 / what?..

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As Delilah found jade, she saw jade
sitting on a pond that wasn't too far away from the school, crying. Delilah walks behind and sits beside her.
Delilah: Jade, what's wrong?
Jade: it's not worth it
Delilah: what's not worth it?
Jade: nothing, don't mind it.
Delilah: jade, you're obviously bothered by it, what is it?
Jade: Nothing, now leave me alone.
Delilah: ja-
Jade: I said, LEAVE.
Delilah: alright, take your time..
Delilah reaches for her pockets and grabs her earphones and phone, then she plays a song in her phone, and puts it on Jade's ear.
Delilah: hope this could help.
Delilah Gets up and goes back to the stage, as alex continues to fight with the principal.
Delilah stops both of them
Delilah: stop it, I don't like this anymore.
Alex: dad, these rules are stupid.
Principal: alex, that's no way to talk to your father, and Delilah, you are on a grudge of getting expelled.
Alex: leave her be dad, she has a good point in being mad.
Principal: you're lucky young lady.
Delilah looks at the floor with a blank mind, as Alex goes off the stage with the principal, the people in the ballroom stare at Delilah and make whispers, then they leave one by one.
Delilah: finally.
Delilah runs out of the ballroom, and goes to the girls bathroom, locks herself into a room and cries.
Delilah: I should've not pressured jade into telling me, it's my fault, now I'm on a grudge on getting expelled, I'm on a scholarship so I can't lose this..
Delilah covers herself with her wings, until someone knocks on the door.
Delilah: whose there.
???: hey.. I saw you backstage and saw the things between you and jade, what exactly happened?
Delilah: I don't know what made her mad, and I shouldve not pressured her into saying it.
???: it's not your fault, people have always thought that the prom rules were bullshit, but we can't do anything about it, since we'll get expelled, you're the second one to do this.
Delilah: can't they just change the rules?
???: we cant, you're the 100th prom queen, so the prom queen and king have to kiss.
Delilah: that's so shitty, what the fuck!?
???: I know I know, theyre always like that.
Delilah: but how did you get this information?
???: I moved into this school 2 days ago, I don't know but I just do..
Delilah: so you're not sure of this?!
???: you can check it in the book of rules, it's in the library.
Delilah: oh okay, ... What's your name.
???: Lolly!
Delilah: thanks lolly for the information.
Lolly: np, btw why were you in the stall for so long anyways?
Delilah: breakdowns.
Lolly: I have those too!
Delilah gets out of the stall and lolly leads her to where the library is.
Lolly: here's the library!
Delilah: it's so big..
Lolly: Mhm.
Lolly and Delilah talk while looking for the book.
Delilah: is this the book?
Lolly: no- wait, this is the principals family book?!
And the author is from.. Alex?!! The principals son!!
Delilah: he's kind.
Lolly: Mhm that's why his dad is always proud of him!
Delilah: anyways let's read it!
The perfect family.
Hello, I'm Alex, known as the principals son at SMACKMYASS academy, my dad is a workaholic at home, he's always focused on his work, there's never a day when hes not at his office, he's always so focused.. And he says he's doing it for our family, but you should also spend time with your family, and take breaks from work, it's not that hard..
And mom, she's just so kind, she's always giving a helping hand to others making others manipulate her!? I don't trust anyone because of her, I've always seen people manipulate my mom and now I don't wanna trust nobody, ever.
And, my siblings, andrene and alexandra, theyre such bullshit people, always dating a different person each day, and andrene, she manipulates and bullies people?! That's so shitty.. That's why I love only my mom, then the rest of my family members, and being the middle child is the worst thing you can ever experience.

Delilah: so sad, anyways where is that rule book
Lolly: girl, this guy just said his sob story and the only thing you say after reading it is that?!
Delilah: yeah, plus we all have family problems its not new.
Lolly: I mean, you are right lol-
Delilah: anyways where is the rule book.
Lolly: it was over here I swear.
Delilah: is it this one?
Lolly: Mhm.
Delilah: okie.
She reads it.
Delilah: guess you were saying the truth, approved.
Lolly: yoo, I got approved!
Delilah: anyways I'm gonna check on jade, cya.
Lolly: do you have social media?
Delilah: uh huh.
Lolly: add me.
Delilah: alright.
They exchange numbers and Delilah heads out to check on jade, when she gets to the pond she finds jade sleeping under the tree next to the pond, then Delilah sits next to her.
Delilah: how long have you been crying?..
She transforms into her pheonix form and makes jade ride her. (Not the dirty way, for yall dirty minders) then flies to her house, Delilah wraps jade with her wings, and puts her to bed.

She sighs and changes, when Delilah changes jade wakes up.
Jade: nows my chance..
She runs down stairs and grabs a knife, then she runs to the bathroom door and locks the door, Delilah goes downstairs since she heard jade go downstairs.
Delilah: jade, why is my knife missing, you're not doing what I think you're doing, right?
She bangs on the bathroom door.
Delilah: JADE, ANSWER ME!!
Delilah burns the door making it melt, after that she saws jade wrists bleeding
Jade: d-divine, you weren't supposed t-to see t-thi...ss..
Delilah: no time for talking, what the hell were you thinking?!
She grabs jades wrists gently and grabs bandages from the cabinet above her, when she grabs the bandages she gently wraps it trying not to hurt her.
Jade: ah! Ouch!..
Delilah: sorry.
Jade: divine...
Delilah: you said you would quit it, now look at you?! Doing it again..
Delilahs eyes begin to tear up.
Jade: look, I'm sorry, i-i..
Delilah: shut.
Jade: ..s-sorry.
After a few days from that incident, jade and Delilah started to Depart slowly, making jade go back to being rude, and for Delilah, she focused on studies and aced every test, making them far more busy and far away from each other, until one day...


~𝔀𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽, 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓘 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓰𝓸?.~ (CNP X ACORN)Where stories live. Discover now