13 / reunion..

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While Delilah was currently processing the information and miracle that just happened, gale and Lola opened the door- emitting a loud 'BANG!' sound, jade could've sworn the wall almost cracked since the both of them crashed the door wide open at the same time.


The two other cnps, and acorn were obviously surprised by the sudden news. It's probably been a Long Time since she could notice the few changes about them and their surroundings. Afterwards they exited the hospital when the cnp was allowed to, it took a few checks and other stuff but the doctors checked that she was fine mentally and physically.. but Jade still got headache at the back of her head- which was probably the consequence from laying in the same position for.. how long.

Lola: "Waaah!?? How did you just wake up today??!!"
Jade: "Haha.. I don't know.. and how long did I sleep?"
Delilah: "for like, a month.."

Jade eyes widened when Delilah spoke, no wonder their voices and a little bit of their characteristics changed. (An excuse to change them a little bit :p)

Jade: "but like- since when did I get into a coma and since when did it start??"
Gale: "oh! When you and Delilah went on a sort of hangout but i doubt that, since it was just the two of you guys."
Jade: "really? I don't remember."
Lola: "girl, you woke up from a coma- so you'd obviously have memory loss. Plus Delilah you should explain since you were the ONE with her."
Delilah: "fine fine-"

3rd person pov :3

Gale: "I doubt you guys are just going to hangout."
Jade: "stop over-exxagerating it Galeee."
Lola: "heard what she said idiot? Don't assume."
Gale: "oh I'm so sorry that I made a simple mistake and the humans that aren't heartless actually aren't flawless."
Lola: "excuses excuses."
Gale: "you ugly tiyanak."
Lola: "bobo."
Delilah: "I think that's enough fighting, we'll be heading now- please do not kill or hurt each other."
Gale: "can't promise."
Lola: "she really can't."
Delilah: "STOP, NO."
Jade: "you know what, let them start a war, it won't be our problem when they're the one who end up with broken bones or a broken eye."
Delilah: "you're one big, bully."
Jade: "I was meant to be."

Delilah lightly messed with the cnps hair and giggled since Jade was at her shoulder although she was older than her, she seemed like her pre-teen little sister compared to the acorn,

Along with the other two cnps.. even though they were 1 mile away they could hear gale and Lola fighting, or is it because they've been hearing the fights all day so much that it rings and echos into their ear.

On the way they were silent, none of them said a word or anything till Jade couldn't keep suffering from the quietness between them.

Jade: "so, where are we going?"

Jade asked and immediately regretted it, she should've started the conversation with an "how are you" and not about her or a simple sentence, and to not seem this impolite but oh, it's just too late.

Delilah: "youre one big troublemaker, so I thought you'd like to go into an abandoned school?"

The acorn said while her eyes pointed towards a burnt down building hid into the forest while it was infested with spray paints and vines, including other stuff you'd expect there to be..

Jade: "you really know."

As they walked around it, hoping there would be a sort of pathway they could use to get to the 2nd floor, they saw their savior. A bundle and groups of stones that seemed to form a sort of staircase like they were being led into but of course not because that's too dramatic and unbelievable.. right?

~𝔀𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽, 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓘 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓰𝓸?.~ (CNP X ACORN)Where stories live. Discover now