8 / G3TTING R3@DY.

23 1 0


After 2 days of Lola and gales death/su1cide, Delilah and jade tries to move on.

Jade wakes up, while stretching her arms.

Jade: mh..

She checks the calendar to see it's Monday.
Jade: prom, I probably won't wi-
She pauses for a second and gets a flashback.


Gale and Lola wait for jade to arrive at the park.
Gale: when is she arriving?
Lola: just wait, she's always late.
Jade: I'm here!!
Gale: finally!
Lola: anyways, today's prom!
Jade: so what?
Gale: it's prom? We can literally get popular and get free food for 1 week if we got prom queen.
Jade: whatever, we won't win anyways.
Lola: but you said it doesn't hurt to try something new?
Jade: ugh I know but is it even possible for us to win?!
Gale: that's why we go ahead and try at least?
Jade: I have doubts we're going to win.
Lola: it's not the win, it's the fun and attention you get! Also Gale, I have a plan.
Gale: what.
Lola whispers to Gale on what she's thinking about
Gale: hm okay!
Lola: so, make us a promise.
Jade: hm?
Gale: make us a promise you'll atleast win prom queen? It's alright you're 3rd or, 2nd.
Jade: fine.
Lola: yay!!
Lola, gale, jade, make a deal.


Jade: that means I'll really have to win.
Jade texts Delilah.
Shade: divine! Are you there?
Divine: Mhm, goodmorning.
Shade: goodmorning, are you going to prom?
Divine: obviously, if you're not going then I'm not going.
Shade: I'm going, see you at night m'lady~
Divine: alright, eclipse~

Jade pov: now I'mma get ready.
She heads to the bathroom and gets ready, after she gets ready she packs her dress and goes to school.

At school.

Delilah: jade!
Jade: hey Delilah!
Delilah: wanna go shopping with me for a dress?
Jade: but I just got here-
Delilah: there are near shops don't worry!
Jade: fine, can I ride you?
Delilah: what the fuc-
Delilah: ohhhh.

Delilah turns into her Pheonix form and jade hops onto her back

Jade spots a thing and gets curious, then she caresses the thing and Delilah gets a bit flustered.

Delilah: jade stop..
Jade: oh!..

Jade gets a bit embarrassed and soon gets to the store.
Jade: anyways, I already picked my dress so like, let's go ahead and pick yours now.
Delilah: or we could have matching ones?
Jade: hmm, alright.
They talk while shopping and Delilah spots a dress
Delilah: this looks cute, let me try it on.
She heads to the dressing room while jade leans next to the door.
Delilah: how do I look?

Delilah twirled in her pink mid-length dress, along with a flower theme as she fixed her bow.

Jade: literally everything positive.
Delilah: thank you~!
Jade: anyways, I already have that colored dress in my bag.
Delilah: can I see you wear it?
Jade: it's a surprise tho~
Delilah: awh fine.

They go to school together and the entire school whispers.
???: thank god for that acorn, jade finally stopped with the trouble
???: she probably likes her..
???: gay asf, lol.
???: She really did change her-
???: I wonder if shes just manipulating her, no way she would like a acorn.
Jade grabs earphones from her pocket and puts it on Delilah.
Delilah: hmm?
Jade: what song do you like?
Delilah: styles by taylor swift!
Jade: alright.
She grabs her phone and sets it, delilah vibes to the song while jade literally has beef with everyone by talking ass abt them.
Jade: I hope you realize how fatherless you are, shi- forgot you're an orphan.
???: wth?? ********** I will ************
???: now she's back.
???: she's so hot when mad!!
???: I feel like simping for jade.
???: back off.
???: nah, y'all back off.
As Jade throws hands with a person, people simp over jade and Delilah just vibes to the song leaning next to the class door watching the drama.
Delilah's pov: we never go out of style-
The bell rings as Delilah keeps singing, in her head.
Jade: you better watch it.
???: you-
Jade has a big fire aura on her back.
???: who cares if you have a big fire on your back, Im a freaking vamp.
The person fangs grow a bit longer.
And tries to approach jade
But Delilah steps in front of her and grows her nails.
Delilah: back away.
Delilah turns into her form and charges at the person, jade holds her arms and Delilah slowly turns back.
Delilah: I hope you fall off a cliff so that you could see your parents, in hell.
Jade chuckles a bit and, brings  Delilah to the classroom while, Delilah trash talks the person.

When they arrive at the classroom
Delilah: I wasn't done yet with that stupid fu-
Jade: relax, I'm a pheonix remember? I can literally just burn her.
Delilah: you also had that flaming aura which showed you were mad.
Jade: since when?
Delilah: dumbass-
The teacher walks into the classroom.
Teacher: Take a seat everyone.
Delilah and jade head to their seats.
They also talk while the teacher is writing something on the board.
Teacher: jade and Aiden, partner, ******
Jade: what the f---k?! Aiden is here???
Aiden: hi Honeybuns~
Jade: divine please help me get away from this monstrosity.
Delilah: Aiden.
Aiden: Hey babyyy~
Delilah: you should go die, so that you could meet your parents, IN HELL, wait. Do you even have any parents?? I always wondered how you were born, A MISTAKE. Your hairline is so cursed, it goes pass the line.
As Delilah Talks bad abt Aiden in front of him he grins.
Aidens pov: hm? It's no wonder She likes that cnp, she's so cute but she's mine.
Teacher: Delilah, detention now.
Delilah: goodluck eclipse.
Jade: divine wait!
Jade pov: oh god oh god... I'm the highest is the class so I can get away with trouble today that means I can't go to detention.
Aiden: hi cutie~ aren't you Delilahs friend? She really has a type~~
Jade: get, away, from, me.
As Aiden simps over jade, jade has enough and punches Aiden in the face making him fall to the ground with a black eye.
Aiden: Teach!!
Teacher: hmh?!
As jade tries to punch Aiden again a few of her classmates hold her back, Aiden goes with a student to go to the nurses office.
Jade: fucking annoying asshole that talks shit.
Jade turns into her form and escapes from the classmates.
Then she runs to Aiden with pure anger.

As she runs towards aiden, Delilah sits in detention seeing jade pass by the class looking furious in her form.
Delilah: oh fucks.
Delilah gets out of detention and turns into her form, then catches up with jade and holds her back eventually.
Jade: Delilah, let, me, go...
Delilah: jade stop, you already gave him a black eye.
Jade: he was talking shit abt you?!!
Delilah: its alright, I'm used to it.
Jade: Used to it???!!
Jade gets even more mad.
Delilah: hahaha.. it was a joke, he was just joking around.
Jade: jokes are meant to be funny not insulting!!!
As Delilah calms down jade the classmates check on her.
???: thanks divine, you're really the only one who could calm her.
Delilah: im not actually the only one.
???: hm? Then who??.
Jade: gale and lola...
A few tears drop from her eyes.
Delilah: jade, it's alright. Theyre up there watching us. Don't worry..
Delilah hugs jade.
???: this is so emotional rn.

~𝔀𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽, 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓘 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓰𝓸?.~ (CNP X ACORN)Where stories live. Discover now