A Crown Fit for a Killer

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"I told you to stand down, sir." She threatened as later the same insubordinate bodyguard tried to hit Ijin when, they disembarked from the car to escort Seoha home safely. "Ha, that guy is a real piece of work." She complained as their charge giggled, "You handled him excellently though, Ju-ju." The nickname caused her to blush as their friends though she was cool, "It's my job as a bodyguard, Seoha." They left after both the actress and Ijin were insulted for being shit gamers, Seoha insisting she drop off the pair at their home but both rejected her offer outright, "We will do so after we escort you home." She was amused, 'They really are the same kind of person. Funny that, I never thought I'd make good friends like them.' 

[Seoha's home]

"I suggest you leave here, sir. I would hate to have to destroy such a high profile client of my boss's." Seoha's ex who had been a powerful director flinched, realizing who Jia worked for and how he was responsible for the rise of his directorial career, one he could bring down with a wave of his finger. "This isn't over!!" She rolled her eyes, doing the same the afternoon of the day after where she was confronted by that dick bag bodyguard, "He is of no concern to me so long as my charge is safe."  She smiled, "At least I can do my job properly instead of running in circles like you little useless retards." Kicking the door into the meeting room where Seoha was, she sent a look of pure death towards Donggeun who had resisted the urge to pee his pants, "I suggest mice like you scamper out now, before I get angry and blow your castles down into dust."


Teenage Mercenary/Mercenary Enrollment| Read it on Webtoon!


"Seoha, are you okay?" My question made her nod as I leaned forward, "Should I just kill them for you?" Seoha shook her head, her past being that of a relative to one of my organizations higher ups, though her family was entirely unaware of that part of their relatives past. My boss ensured per his contractual promise, that Seoha and her family would be well cared for after that relative died in action, which came to fruition right when she decided to be an actress years ago. "It would be a waste to kill people who are less than scum." She added, "Just have your boss drive them both to the brink of ruin for me. That should suffice enough as atonement." She was crafty and quite cut-throat despite never becoming a killer for hire, indeed she would make Saturn (her relative) proud if he were still alive. 'Now how should I get back at them myself?'

Beating up the guards who had come to escort me away, Seoha gave a smirk to their defeated and bloody faces, "I am your guard until otherwise stated by your benefactor, so what shall I do next Seoha?" She told me to stop after Jiye walked in and expressed surprise, at the fact that I wasn't in my wheel chair which was mostly used as a cover since my injuries weren't too severe, aside from the deep stab wound anyway. "I'll let you wrap this up, Jiye. We'll be leaving first." Latching onto Ijin's arm, we walked out with Seoha who was prompty dropped off at her home, having ended up sleeping ten hours according to the text she sent me later. "It's time to finally do the real work. Are you ready Jin?" 


"Hello, Ijin."

"Director Honja

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"Director Honja." Seoha addressed the strange purple haired woman, who was resembled to that of a dark unicorn in a human form, having walked up to me as I texted my sister. 

"Can you spare me some time, Ijin? I have something to tell you regarding that woman who hangs around you." Seoha left after giving me her autograph for my sister, but the woman who wanted to speak with me was suspicious. "Break up with her." She demanded of me regarding the girl who I had recently entered a relationship with, who was dangerous but alluring and oddly familiar to me unlike the woman before me, "She works for the same organization that I am an administrator for. KSOTDEW, a mercenary aiding political manipulating company whose founder considers all their employees family." She glared at me or at least I'm assuming she was behind her mask, but I couldn't listen to her because I had already lost so much, and sacrificed a lot in order to protect my new peace. "I can't, because she's an improtant person to me." 

She scowled, "Are you sure that she's really important or are you just saying that because you can use her later?" She seemed oddly bitter when I said that but there was hesitancy in her aggressive behavior, and she acted less like a mad director and more like an angered killer for hire. She was definitely related to Jia but she didn't wear the perfume she did, which meant she was her own person and not part of the lower order KSOTDEW had for general killers. She was indeed a higher up at the ambiguous company but for what she appeared to be, she wasn't there to fight me only to get my answers for as to why I wouldn't let go of the teenage killer. "I genuinely have feelings for her. It's not just because of her abilities but because she makes me feel normal." She backed off of me but was still annoyed, leaving without a word but handing me a folded piece of paper as she did, "You should thank her for this, I wouldn't give you this otherwise."

'Director Honja...how do you know Jia?'


"Do I know a director named Seoyul Anhui?" Ijin had asked abruptly about the woman who while being familiar sounding, was a mystery to me entirely. "No, I know she's well known in showbiz but I've never met her myself." Having stopped living with him after my wheelchair was no longer in use, Ijin was oddly possessive of me in return but that was to be expected since we started dating, well he thinks so anyway. "Tell your sister I say happy birthday, I have to run home. My cat wants to be let out according to the baby monitor I left there." Heading home, I felt woozy for some reason and it was worse than when I was at school, having been able to hide it from him but I felt like I was going to fall down the stairs as I climbed them. Managing to close and lock my door as I fell down with my cat walking up to me, "Go...h-h-hi-hide...." My groan caused my cat to hide behind the couch, as my vision went black.

[Hours later]

"How long was I out?" My body felt stiff as I got up, but at the very least I wasn't out cold in my mind again er...the brat's mind. "Darjeeling. Come here." The black and teal furred cat calmly walked out from behind the couch with a concerned look, "Mowwerr?" Petting its head, it left me alone as I got up and dressed in my usual black, white, and grey clothes. "Let's go do our job, before the brat takes over again."


"Hey, are you guys from that one mercenary group?"


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