Ijin meets a woman with many faces and soon becomes entranced by her personality, wanting to know more about her and becoming desperate to find out what she truly looks like.
"Hey, stop it!!" My shout made Gisu smirk since my disguise that I decided to use as my civilian appearance also made me look like a weak little girl, his steps towards me more annoying than intimidating as he tried to psyche me out but ended up with a kick to the stomach, that had enough forced to knock him through the wall but only slammed him into it harshly with his goons surrounding Ijin and I. "You're really that big of a douche that you can't fight your own battles? How much of a weak neanderthalic coward are you?" Dayeon tried to get through the crowd to us as the onlookers closed it for a better view, but Ijin and I handled it swiftly and punched Gisu's goons away with kicks to their vitals mixed in to make sure they stayed down, "Chin up, girl! You have me and Ijin for back up, so stop crying!!"
Ijin shook his head in agreement as I acted as his words with my semi "natural" charm calming down Dayeon, but beginning to irritate Huijin who was still torn between befriending her or making her a new shuttle for herself, eventually deciding to forgoe an alliance with me and ordering Gisu teach us a lesson. Both of us later only stopping when Dayeon insisted they did because she didn't want Huijin to get hurt regardless of what she did to her, the kindness she possessed getting in the way of Huijin receiving her just punishment from me but I gave up my attack quickly, "Okay, we'll walk you back to homeroom. I have to go back to my phone anyway, role-playing people are really impatient."
Reaching my room, I waved goodbye to Ijin and thanked him for the help but he didn't seem to accept my thanks instead pulling me forward for an impromptu hug, which made me push him away with a red face and awkward goodbye. "Is your brother always that forward?" My question made Dayeon confused as my headphone slipped back onto my ears and my head flopped onto my desk, ignoring Huijin who was taunting Dayeon and no doubt planning an affair with her friends to permanently break the poor girl, 'Boss will probably tell me to take the evidence and give it to Ijin anonymously later. Even though he knows he could just get it himself.'
Picking myself back up after the school bell rang, I got the call I was expecting from my boss and planned accordingly for the next morning when Huijin made her move, "You know, bitches like you are the reason I love my job." My words made them freeze when they saw me in my alternative work disguise,
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[By IchigoLolipop on Deviantart]
"Because. You. Never. Learn." Lunging at them, I bashed Huijin's head into the screen and then into the wall with her friend getting flung into the TV screen, using enough forced to fracture her spine and shatter the screen. Catching her last friend who tried to flee by shooting her with an anesthetic dart, tying her up and brutally beating her until she was just as injured as Dayeon who was semi unconscious on the floor. "I'll be taking this, and don't even think of looking for the footage. I'll be taking that too, and you should be happy my client didn't ask for your lives."
After closing the door behind me and taking the cctv footage for the room and inner/outside cameras, I heard Huijin swearing from the room about the pain she was in from my assault but ignored her, snapping video and photos of her as she left and delivering it all in a package to Ijin on his windowsill. "Who are you?" Ijin spotted me and attempted to grab me but I eluded him with a smirk, "You'll figure it out eventually, Ijin." ---------------------------------------------------------
"I love the old man and all, but he's got no chance against Ijin with the style he uses." My comment made Boss laugh hysterically since they had defeating multiple gangsters on multiple different occasions while in Korea, and one of them was a young and brash Mr. Cha who hadn't yet developed his unique fighting style at the time, but was still gutsy enough to earn Boss's respect and friendship. "Go say hi to him, Jian. I did make him your godfather after all." My face frowned but a chill ran up my spine, "Don't frown or roll your eyes, Jian. You'll get wrinkles later on." Hanging up quickly and following the old fogey's car, I landed on top and slid myself in beside him, "Sup, old man?"
"Did that aging artifact send you to greet me again?" He asked as I shrugged, "Yeah, but you know where I'd rather be." He smirked while patting my hair and getting some black dye on his hands, "You were the one who gave him those files weren't you?" A proud smile worked its way onto my face, "Yup, orders from the old artifact themselves." The old fart gave me on last head pat then told me as I prepared to ditch from the car, "Start wearing wigs that are already dyed." Glaring at him I retorted, "Who said I was wearing a wig, you old fart?" ---------------------------------------------------------
"Nice job, boy." Ijin glanced at the masked woman as she walked with him and asked, "If I were to guess your answer for your actions would be that you're "petty" right?" He glanced at her with some hidden worry in his eyes as she cackled, "Don't worry so much, dude. I wouldn't out someone who got rid of the biggest pests ever. Your welcome for those videos and picture evidence by the way." She trotted off into the shadows ahead of him as he tried to chase her, but he woke up in his room with a cold sweat over his body and his gaze aimed at the ceiling, the meeting with his mysterious benefactor seemingly a dream. 'What was that....and how can I meet her again?'
He got up and went to school a few hours later where he saw Jiah in his class waving with everyone's attention on her, especially after it was revealed that she was supposed to be in Ijin's class rather than Dayeon's, the faculty mistaking them due to the siblings sharing a last name and skimming the documents. "Heya, Ijin!!" She waved as Yeona and her guard Seokju walked in with the latter glaring at Jiah but the rest of the class saw it as a romantic gaze, Ijin accidentally blowing Yeona's kind gaze off in favor of talking to her ally and family informant, Jiah. "Would you like to come to a game room after school with me?" He asked Jiah who was surprised and about to refuse until she got a message from her Boss which said she could have the day off, "Sure, I could use the practice since I haven't played League of League in a while!"
'Please don't do anything stupid, you two!!!' --------------------------------------------------------- Swipe up or tap below for more! ---------------------------------------------------------