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"Who's the pretty bitch behind him?" One of the brothers asked as I pushed my friend closer behind me from their lust-filled eyes, only wanting to covet someone as nice and quirky as Ji-ah who was close not only to me but my sister, "I can deal with them on my own, Ijin." She kept insisting to me but eventually I snapped at her, "No you can't, you're injured!!!" She flinched a tad when I shouted but relented and allowed me to fight them with Seokju, grabbing one fallen goon's weapon to bash some of them in when they got to close to her behind me, "Eyes up here!" Her shout made me smile some as I beat Incheon and Taesu to a pulp with Seokju, both falling to the ground with her throwing her weapon on their battered bodies as a compliment rather than an insult. 

"Hmmph!" She walked out after we let them writhe in their defeat then asked me, "How did you know I was injured, Ijin?" Instead of responding, I had done something on impulse and brushed some of her hair out of her face, "I can always tell when something's off with you. You're my friend."


Teenage Mercenary [Check em out!]


"Huh?" Her faced turned red as she blushed from what I did but she let me bring her home and drag her to the game room the next day once classes finished, clinging to my side the whole time due to her injury not having healed yet, and come to think of it she never told me how she got injured. "So how did you get hurt?" She looked away, "'s kind of personal so I'd rather not say." She didn't smell much different than usual but for some reason she had asked me, "Can I stay at your place tonight?" It would make it easier to find out who she was if she was close even if for one night, so I gave a nod to her and she walked home with me. 

"Sorry to impose on you, sir." She apologized to my grandfather while helping us shop when we had run into them, but I pushed her away when one of my old teammates had approached me while eyeing her specifically, having her leave for my house as I confronted him. "You look good for someone who should be dead." My eyes grew annoyed as I responded, "006...Why and how did you find me?" He refused to give me a straight answer but then said, "I was busy tracking you, so how about we get a bite to eat? The girl you were with seems quite interesting." My blood boiled when he mentioned Ji-ah, "She has the scent of tenescatre on her, which is the scent that agents of KSODTEW are required to wear for identification." 

He left after receiving the order for my termination then called what I had become a nice change from what I had been, "That girl, she's no threat to you from what I can see. If're probably the reason she can bear with the memories of what people like us are forced to do for our superiors." Calling Seokju after in order to get some tracking on 006 so I would be prepared for whatever happened, because I had a feeling he would go after Dayeon and Grandpa but when I remember what he said about Ji-ah, I turned my attention to just tracking him. 'If what he said about her was true then that means she along with the other women I've met with that scent belong to KSODTEW. Which means she can protect them for me.' 

Riding on a motorcycle to get to the location where 006 was patiently waiting for me to arrive, I had gotten a call from Midnight. "Hello, Ijin. I would like to inform you that until you finish up your duties tonight, I will have Jiah watch over your family. Good luck." She allowed me to battle 006 which was no simple task because of our shared history, but after dodging some bullet rounds following throwing a knife into his shoulder, 006 was really backed up against the wall because of me. But he was able to flee and almost escaped until Seokju came to the rescue and rammed him over with his car.

"Should I have stayed out of it? Someone called Midnight told me to help you." A sigh left me when recalling the beguiling woman, 'You really thought of everything, didn't you?' Shaking my head Seokju responded with, "That's good then. You looked like you were in a pickle anyway." He left after helping me tie up 006 but then asked me, "Who is Midnight, Ijin?" Remaining silent for a few moments, I had responded, "I'm still trying to figure that out, Seokju. I'll let you know when I do."


Ijin stood over 006's tied up form and spoke, "You can look up now. I know you're awake." 006 warned him that the group would be relentless in their pursuit to silently kill him, especially MAD DOG who was someone that crossed Ijin's past self and gained a cross scar to symbolize his error over his left eye, "Ijin, as much as I hate to say are going to need to rely on those women you've met from the KSODTEW." His last words to the teen were, "They can help you in your fight to escape from Camp but don't trust them too much." He limped away without telling Ijin that he knew who Midnight was, and her secret mastery of disguise that earned her an indistinguishable face among mercenaries, as well as her real name. 'Good luck, Ijin.'

The teen went home to find Ji-ah sleeping on the couch with a blanket but she was shivering for some reason which made him pick her up, and place her in his room where she pulled him unconsciously next to her and stopped shivering after she snuggled into him. 'Just what is it....why do I feel warm around you....why can't I push you away?...'  His thoughts raged but he eventually fell asleep after realizing he wasn't going to be able to move anytime soon, waking up in the morning to find that Ji-ah was still asleep and now facing on her back with her grip on him gone. Having to wake her up and drag her to school with him where she waited next to him for Seoju and Yeona to arrive.

Sending her half sleepy self to the classroom with Yeona where she conked out at her desk one second after sitting down. ....five more minute..."


To be Continued.....


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