On the Mark

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"Time to wake up, Jia." My eyes fluttered open as Ijin held his hand out to help me up, but I brushed him off and got up on my own while glancing around because it seemed way to quiet. Though that was because the guys left before us since Jaehyeong wanted to impress Dayeon...his little crush is cute. The next day though...well...............it was pretty strange to say the least.


Teenage Mercenary [Webtoon, You should know the drill by now people]


"Why am I here?" I asked after Ijin and Seokju decided to be weird and investigate Goseok high again after some guy from it had hit on Dayeon, dragging me inside to confront Taesu and what's his name even though I would much rather be making new disguises at home. Dragging me to his lunch date with Dushik where I awkwardly avoided eye contact with him, half listening to their conversation as I nomned on some Tuna Mayo and ramen. 'Why the hell am I here?!'

The old fart was looking at me in my disguise with the only indicator of who I was being the perfume that Kreios ordered me to wear about two years ago, leaving after Ijin finally let me go but I feel like he's getting dangerously close to figuring out who I am....something that send more fear than working in that hellscape down my spine. I don't want that because everyone who knows the real me runs away or has to be handled by Kreios's methods....just let me keep this...I'm...so alone...

[Next Day]

"What did you need from me, sir?" Dressed in my disguise as Jieun, I sat across from the Chairman and Ijin who looked at me with hard stares, "How has transitioning back to here been, do you need anything? Seokju's teacher is a friend of ours after all." I shook my head, "I'm fine sir, I'm just happy I was able to come back and see how Seokju had flourished." Leaving to guard Jiye but being stuck beside Ijin, who was getting a whiff of the perfume I was required to wear. 'Please for the love of god don't figure it out.' He seemed to let it go after a moment for some reason, but I nearly threw that our the window when Jiye was kidnapped, rushing after the kidnappers with Ijin who was confused as to how I knew the same things he did. "Report them in, I'll take care of them." Smashing through the roof with my hand, it bled as I punched out the driver and sent the car careening into the parking lot wall, tumbling off and onto the ground with a few fractured ribs. 

"Get her, and move our cargo." The head woman spoke as I single-handedly took out the men she sent after me, "You will release Ms. Sin now, or it will be your funeral." Ijin followed us as we sped around the corner, the woman who was hired to kidnap Jiye being an old acquaintance of mine, having followed them to their hideout where her lackeys attacked me. Ijin having to save and help me fend them off, as my arm bled with one of the bones feeling dislocated. "On your right, left, back!" I shouted in succession as we kicked, stabbed, and punched them away like a weird aerobics class. "Jieun!!!" He shouted as I took a stab to the side, having to twist the knife in order to sumo throw the guy with the knife staying inside until I could get treated, all those horror stories about stab wounds making sense. "I'm fine, keep going!! We need to keep them occupied, so team leader can get Jiye!!" 

He didn't want me to strain myself any further, I could see that much on his face in the dim lighting from the sky as we fought, but I didn't care because Kreios ordered me to help him and watch him...a task I refused to fail in. Because I don't fucking fail my missions. Ripping the knife out my side wound while gritting my teeth from the pain, I stabbed seven times on two of the goons while severing their tendons and rendering the immobile, leaving the last one to Ijin as I ran to find my "boss". "Sir!" Slashing the men who had attacked him, HG (Head Guard) had yelled for me to dodge, with my previous stab wound further gorged by a second knife that rammed its way in, "Damned bastard!!" Swinging around, I slashed him across the neck for a quick death by stabbing the knife in the slash wound right after. "Guhh!! Damn!!!" My side was bleeding profusely as I barely stood up, wobbling on my feet but unwilling to give in just yet. "Bring it on, you sorry bastards.

They smirked while my side bled but I was more dangerous when cornered, having fought tooth and nail with similar stakes multiple times before with worse fates, because of my gender which I usually concealed while fighting. Ijin saving us by rushing Jiye's wheelchair tied form out, allowing HG to take down the kidnappers as I fell down from blood loss and exhaustion, hearing someone yell for me as I closed my eyes. "..........mhmmm......"


"....Ijin?...." My eyes opened to see him above me, hand on my forehead to check my temperature, "Where are we? What-?" He kissed me....he kissed me?! Something liquid flowed down the back of my throat as he did, and he pulled away after with my face bright red, "You can't sit up yet, and it was either that or an iv. I figured that way would be easier." My face went an even deeper shade of red, "You really are a shameless brat!!" He smiled, "I am, one that has taken a liking to you. Ms. Jieun." Why was he so good at charming people, he was never like this when....did he figure it out? 

He kept smiling innocently at me like a lovesick puppy. 'Maybe not. ;;;....'


To be continued....


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