No Such Thing As "Breaks"

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"Oh, hello." Jieun greeted Ijin's unlce after she encountered him leaving once his shift was done but grew annoyed, when a thug and his girlfriend started harassing the poor old man who suggested something harmless regarding where they parked, "You disrespectful little shit, that is no way to speak to your elders." She smiled at the man who interrupted while waving, "Long time no see, my old student." He energetically waved at her with his free hand, while remembering when she was told to train Dushik's men while in disguise as Jieun, "How have you been, master?" She had a nice conversation with him then left after bidding goodbye to Ijin's grandfather but ran into the older teen when he stormed off to confront Dushik, "Oh, he helped in in a sticky situation!" Ijin asked her to elaborate with a look and she told him, "There was some jerk bullying him when he suggested they park elsewhere. He stopped him before he could get hurt by them."

Ijin gained a new perspective of her that day but when they were leaving after they evaluated SW Team 3 together, she was intent to speed away but he wanted to know more about her before she could which made him secretly thankful, when Jieun smacked face first into Yeona who had been waiting for Seokju and Ijin. "Ow..." She groaned as Yeona helped her up while apologizing, all four of them awkwardly eating together later by Ijin's home. "Um, thank you Yeona. I really should be going though, I have a few other students of mine to visit." She ended up leaving but dropped a few hints to Ijin, on who was really distracting the resistance members when he was trying to save Yeona's father way back when, dashing before she could be questioned and leaving Ijin to finally learn just how caring Yeona's father was.


Teenage Mercenary/Mercenary Enrollment [Read it on Manhuascan or Webtoon!! (Use an adblock browser for option 1!)]


"If only I grew up normally." My words made the camera installed in my room turn toward me curiously as my benefactor was watching me, but I shrugged, "I was abused for just existing you old fart. If I hadn't met you in that land filled with violence after they dumped me, then I might not have survived at all without your help." Stretching and getting ready for a nice day out with my natural looks on my day off, I got dressed in a simple white dress blouse with a red ribbon and a navy blue skirt that went down to my knees, leaving my house to go to the grocery store and passing by the convenience store near Ijin's home. Enjoying my day until my benefactor had called me with a favor, "My dear, the boy I wish to set you up with is in danger and I need you to go back over there and support him." I had no idea who this guy was that they wanted to set me up with but he had been talking about him for the last four years, so I agreed and managed to get back to that battlefield ridden country in a record time using the old fart's connections, "Stay still." 

Setting up my sniper rifle after finding a great vantage point, I shot down at mystery boy's pursuers to distract them and it worked as I fled and led them away from where he was, picking them off one by one then managing to drag myself to my extraction point. "How the hell did you managed that on your own?" My support, a woman named Sagi asked as I shrugged while gripping one of my more minor wounds on my side, "Our boss wants to set me up with whoever mystery boy is, so I can't have him die now can I?" She rolled her eyes while helping me get out of there and when I got home, the feelings I thought I ha dleft behind there in Grian had come back because of the trash I had to call my parents...and what they did to me.

*RING*!!!! *RING*!!!!

The sharp tone from my phone broke the silence in my room as I picked up to hear Dayeon asking why I wasn't in school, "Sorry, Dayeon. I had a family emergency but I should be back in a few days." It was enough to convince her but the bandages covering my side from my waist to right below my neckline, were damning regarding what happened when I saved my mystery fiancé from dying back in Grian. 'He must be impressive for whoever he is...if they were enough to impress Kreios.'


'I'm still incredibly sore...but anymore absences and I'll probably have to drop out.' Limping to class where I plopped down in my seat next to Ijin and Yeongchan, a heavy sigh left me along with about a year's worth of stress, "You okay?" A groan left me after Yeongchan asked, but what made me sigh so hard was the training I had to do as "Jieun" when I got back with the SW ST. "I'm beat." Ijin oddly enough gave me things during break to help with my energy loss and tiredness but I couldn't understand why, both of us going to PC Plus where we learned that the Goseok students had retaliated against his friends, "......" Ijin pushed me behind him when we had gotten to the scene after realizing I was injured, "I'll handle his, Ji-ah."


To be Continued....


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