Tango for Two

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"I'm taking Jieun back to her place." Ijin stated bluntly to Jiye who was strongly against the injured female leaving, even commenting about how it was absurd she would even tell Ijin where she lived since she was a single woman, living alone. "Who even said you could do that, Jieun!?" She calmly told her technical employer, "My doctor. And since I can't walk yet, I asked Ijin to help me out." She added, "Team leader can't help either because his arm is in a cast, and moving a wheelchair with one arm is difficult." Jiuen was at a loss with the two straightforward teens but allowed them to do as they wished, on the condition that they consider professionally working for her and mistaking Yeona's crush for dating between them. "Thanks for letting me stay here, Dayeon and your grampa too. I would head to my own place but they don't have an elevator or accessibility ramp."

Dayeon responded happily, "It's our pleasure, Ms. Jieun. Though how tough was training for it to have done this to you?" She responded, "I was sparring against my student until we took it too far and realized a little too late that we beat up on each other pretty bad. Even in my older years I find myself learning." Their grandfather asked, "How old are you exactly, if you don't mind me asking." She shook her head, "Not at all. I'm 87 years old, I've just had a lot of work done to adjust to the nature of the jobs that I take." They were visibly shocked at her bold faced lie but she held on by smiling gently, cementing the lie and her act until they finally left her alone with Ijin. "I know you're midnight, but are you really Jieun and Haneul?" 

She responded, "Yes but you'll never know who I really am because that identity has been wiped off the face of the earth." He wanted to ask her more but she refused to tell him, "It's a story far longer than you'd expect it to be, and one I'm not to keen on telling just anyone Ijin." She turned away from him while turning the wheel chair she was stuck in, "Can you help me get to the extra bed your sister mentioned? I can't exactly do it on my own right now." 


Teenage Mercenary/Mercenary Enrollment | Read it on Webtoon!


"Um, Ms Yeona....this is highly extravagant." Jia stated while in disguise as Haneul, having been invited out along with Ijin by the rich girl and pitching her and her bodyguard, a believable excuse for as to why she was injured. "So I'm going to be stuck in a wheelchair for a while. Since my building wasn't made to be accessed by handicapped tenants, I am currently bunking with Ijin right now." Yeona became jealous until realizing that it was only a temporary arrangement and that Haneul was far to strait laced, being a pure professional and dedicated to the information business. "Now, did you need something? I only came uninvited because Ijin didn't want me to feel cooped up in his house." She began wheeling herself away, "If not then I'll take my leave. I'd hate to intrude any longer when I wasn't invited in the first place, leaves a bad taste in my mouth." 

Ijin excused himself shortly after, "Please excuse me too. I have to make sure she gets home safely." He tried to but she insisted she could get back to their place on her own, having sent him off on a run where he encountered another of his ex-comrades, having attacked him after assuming Liam was dead. Ijin was at a disadvantage, however, due to his still healing injuries which caused Jia's boss to demand her to be his backup. Even though she was just as injured, she obeyed Kreios and blocked a strike from 032, "I would stop that if I were you."


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