Ijin meets a woman with many faces and soon becomes entranced by her personality, wanting to know more about her and becoming desperate to find out what she truly looks like.
"Yeona, what the hell are you doing?" Approaching her in a disguise she was familiar with she scoffed while introducing me to Dayeon under my alias.
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"I'm Haneul. Nice to meet you, miss."
Turning to Yeona a brief warning gaze was sent to her then I left to warn Seokju only to find him interrogating Ijin, pushing him back and remarking, "Didn't take you for someone who would harass a fellow student." He calmly replied, "I didn't take you for someone who cared about such formalities. Now back away, Haneul. I need to do my job like you do yours." A glare from me was enough to challenge his authority but stopped when Ijin pushed me away and gave Seokju a hard stare, "Picking on girls isn't cool, Seokju." A blush covered my face as he tried to see me out but I brushed him off and ran away, later going to where Yeona was kidnapped that night so I could make sure Ijin handled his technical ex-coworker on his own, "Thankfully he's doing fine without me."
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"Not like he'd need my help anyway unless it required information."
As Ijin struck and successfully defeated his ex-coworker with his superior knife skills, he had called out to me after Seokju and Yeona passed out from the incident, "Can you bring them to a hospital?" A brief nod from me was enough to reassure him and soon, he pinned me against a wall before I even had a chance to bring my friends to safety, "Who are you?" As his hands dug into my wrists, I calmly responded, "You can call me Midnight. I work for someone who knew the founder of the mercenary group that took you in after your plane crashed way back when." I added with a smile from under my prosthetic skin, "My boss only wishes for everything to be made right for you. So, should you ever need me..." I gave him a pair of wings welded together and hung on a necklace chain, "Drop this on the ground."
As she vanished with Yeona and Seokju like she was never there at all, Ijin was sent a text to which hospital they were at and to where he could take Dayeon for treatment, along with a don't mention it message from Midnight. But he couldn't contain his curiosity on who she truly was with every time he saw her feeling stranger than the last. "Dayeon, are you okay?" Jiah showed up after she was just released from her therapy appointment, but looked incredibly flustered from rushing over there with disheveled clothes and her headphones crooked on her neck, "I'm fine, Jiah. I'm sorry I called you over here so abruptly though." She gave an encouraging smile, "I'm available whenever you need me, Dayeon."
Suddenly she offered for Jiah to sleep at her place which made her politely refuse profusely, "I'm sorry, I really can't. I have a lot of homework to do and I promised my friend I would help them with a raid tonight!" Dayeon eventually let it go, but Ijin followed Jiah home only for her to lead him to an alley where she threatened him to leave her alone. Instead heading to where Dushik was to help him, so that he would be able to repay his debt to the old artifact that was her boss, having to partner with Ijin who arrived to return the motorcycle as she systematically kicking and punched Goseong's men down using her heeled shoes and sharp nail attachments. "Hyah!!" She dodged and swiped with a slashing kick from her heel after as they fell one by one, Ijin using his more direct approach to take them out faster as Dushik tried to help them with the last of his energy before passing out.
"Who the hell are these kids?!" She was dressed in her uniform from earlier which had tones of blue and navy to blend in with the night, brushing some blood off of the exposed part of her cheek above her mask with a scoff, "The question you should be asking is why you're getting your asses handed to you by teens." She struck down the man who was beside Goseong then handled the stragglers while Ijin helped Dushik with Goseong, her sheer ferocity and savagery shocking even Ijin a slight bit as she fought, the underhanded tactics she was using frightening for someone of her size and stature. "You better not die on me, old man!! The old artifact would kill me if you don't repay your debt after all!!" She smacked a guy down using his own weapon after disarming him with a cold stare being sent as he fell unconscious. 'Who the hell are you, Midnight?!' Ijin thought as she finally finished off the last goon while breathing heavily, "That's more exercise than I expected to get today."
Dushik chuckled, "Really getting back into gaming aren't you, kid?" She glared at him, "Shut up old fart." Pulling him up and onto her back she told Ijin, "I'll get him to the hospital, you get home to your family." He tried to stop her in order to ask questions but she ignored him and left, staying in the hospital overnight until Dushik woke up with his goon. "You're lucky I managed to get there on time with Ijin, old man." He gave her a look then asked, "I thought you didn't accept help when on the job?" She snarked back at him quickly, "Normally yes, but Ijin has enough skill to keep up with me unlike some people." His goon next to him raised his hands in a "Sorry" position after their one failed job together a while back, "I have to leave anyhow. School takes up a lot of time and the artifact has been keeping track to make sure I'm "relaxing" by living normally. Ciao."
"I'm here!" Panting as I ran in, the teacher told me to sit down in my desk next to Ijin as I showed by late pass to be excused from an unexcused absence, "I'm so tired...." My mumble was ignored by Ijin and I let him ruffle my hair as I napped through the first three periods, waking up when school ended and heading to a gaming café because my computer died the night before while doing a raid, only to find Ijin's friends in trouble with bullies from a technology high school that was a breeding ground for delinquents. 'I'm not dealing with this today.' I tried to sneak away until.....welll....
"Bitch!! Yeah you with the brown hair!!" A sigh left me, 'Here we go again....'
Teenage Mercenary [Check out on Webtoon!!]
"What do you losers want? I kind of had stuff to do today?" Her words didn't phase them as they looked over her figure and made fun of her apparent small breast size which made her yawn, pissing them off as she just gaze a stare that read: Fuck Off.