The flat was empty once more

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Today the boys set off on tour leaving me much more spare time then I'm used to. I am only able to go two the boys uk shows due to work and my diploma so they think but I managed to get some days of work so I could fly out to see them in Singapore. Some may say it's crazy cause the flight is so long but I just love supporting the boys !!!!

The boys were all packed and said their goodbyes as dean and the crew waited in the taxi to take them to the airport where they will start their Europe tour. I gave both Brad and Tristan big hugs and waved them off from the window.

You may be wondering how I ended up being a flat mate to two boys who are in a world famous band, well let's rewind a bit shall we.

July 2022
My 1st year of uni is over !!! Time to celebrate I thought but then i remembered I am yet to find a place to stay for my next two years of my diploma and when being a uni student you find your self pretty broke which does not help when your uni is in one of the most expensive areas in England. LONDON. So you celebrated the weekend away and then Monday morning rolled around, your head was sore but you knew you had no time to waste and began flat hunting. No luck was occurring and so you spoke to your parents and word got about your small village that you were looking for a room to rent. Then one of your old school mates mum mentioned their son's friend was looking for someone to rent their third room as some extra money. You couldn't have jumped to the idea more and so within the next week you had arranged a visit and instantly fell in love it was a very modern basic flat and room. The boys were so lovely and welcoming to. So before you knew it you were living with two boys from a well know boy band in a flat in London completing your diploma.

Back to the present day:
The flat seemed empty without the boy's presence, you missed them already. Today I decided to keep my self busy, so I had a shower then I had a massive deep clean of the flat which lead me to feeling very hungry so I decided to finish of brads left overs from dinner last night which did not disappoint. Then get changed into a nicer outfit which consisted of jeans and a nice oversized jumper as you were going to go do some shopping in Oxford street as you were looking for some holiday clothes because you were flying out to surprise the boys in Singapore. Once you were home you decided to invite the girls round for a fashion show of all the new things you brought and to watch a movie with a takeaway which was nice.

A couple weeks later:
Over the pass few weeks you had been swamped in picking up extra shifts at the pub and getting ahead of your uni work in time for Singapore so when your their you don't have to do any. Today was the day you were flying out, you had a 6am flight. It is currently 1 in the morning my taxi is going to arrive at 3:00am I am so exhausted I haven't even slept yet but their will be plenty of time to sleep on the flight the flight is 13 hours and 38 minutes after all.
Once you arrived at the airport you went straight to Costa and got a coffee to wake you up, then you went and got some food at a breakfast place and then waited for your gate to open.
Once you were on the flight you felt right asleep and woke up with 1 hour left till you touched down.
The plan was to touch down at the airport and head straight to the boys hotel as they are out doing press all morning, then settle into my hotel room and wait for Joe or Dean to text me that they are on their way back to the hotel so I can hide in their room and surprise them.

1 hour later:
Finally the flight was over, I walked off the plane and got hit straight with hot air it was a beautiful feeling. Blue skies for miles.
I walked over to the taxi area and was on my way to the boys hotel.
It was truly amazing my room had an amazing view of the city. Once I had settled in I just watched some friends on my tv and ordered some room service as I was hungry and had time to kill. Finally I got a text from Joe saying it was go time.
I got into the room as Kirstie had come back early from the press she just said she was feeling tired as an excuse. We both sat on the bed and waited. The lock moved and their was Brad standing with Tristan following behind him. All Brad could do was smile and all Tristan could say was "Brad please mate move". He pushed Brad, then we came in view and Tristan ran over and hugged me and said " well this was a major surprise" Brad joined in on the hug, god you missed them.

The rest of the evening you chilled in the boys room and talked for hours.

Today was the show day !! You couldn't wait to see them perform, they truly light up on stage.

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