You want to be mine

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His lips crashed onto mine and I did not hesitate to pull away as confused as I was in the moment.
Then the door Handel began rattling and I quickly pulled away to assist Tristan who was clearly struggling. I looked back and Brad signalling for him to wipe his mouth as my lipstick remained smeared across his face. He ran into the bathroom to fix himself whilst I opened the door to a stumbling Tristan Evans. He fell into me causing me to lift his body wait over to the bed where he lay sprawled across it. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He flipped himself over and began smiling. Tristan drunk was always a pleasure he is always so happy and a good energy to be around, you could tell he needed his sleep though and so you said your good nights and headed across the hallway to your room. Where you lay in bed very confused as to what Brad is trying to express.

5 am rolled around meaning you had been in bed for a whole 3 hours staring at the ceiling. You picked up your phone to check your messages and decided to post some pictures from tonight, you found yourself chuckling at them. It truly was a hectic day let alone night.
After posting the pictures on instagram for the fans to see you decided to try sleep again and this time was successful.
You woke up at 10 am and someone persuaded your self to work off the hangover in the Gym. You rolled out of bed and put on your favourite gym shark sports bra and leggings and headed down to the elevator and then to the gym.

The gym was empty which was a blessing. You started of by stretching which then led to using the rowing machine, step machine and then finally to the running machine where you set a goal to run a mile. You were half way through your mile when you feel some one elsee presence in the small gym room. To your surprise Brad was their ready to work out to.
You finished your Mile then came off the machine looking like a red tomato. Brad had not uttered a word, so you made a point to say hi, he simply looked at you with a blank stare you couldn't confide him out one minute he wants to kiss you the next he acts like your strangers. You tried to brush it off and act as though it didn't hurt you but really it did it really did hurt.
You texted Kirsty and Lucy who we're down by the pool with the other boys, so you headed down and had a swim in the pool and did some sunbathing for the rest of the day.

Dinner rolled around, you want to the hotel restaurant which was lovely then headed back to your rooms as you were all exhausted from last night still.
You couldn't sleep knowing you had somehow hurt Brad. So you texted him and said come to my room we need to talk. Soon a knock on the door was present. You opened it and their he was stood with yet another blank expression. You sat on one side of your bed he sat on the other, you started off the conversation asking if he was okay. He seemed irritated by this and began speaking in an angered tone. He was saying how have I not noticed his emotions towards me and how he clearly had feelings for me. I was a bit taken aback by the tone and the way he was being so open. Brads never very open with girls to you and I suppose it makes sense now.
You stopped him mid way through his sentence ti calm him down he clearly had a lot built up inside. The only words you could utter were I like you to.
The wave of relief which washed over his face was so refreshing and calming. Your heart rate went back to normal and the atmosphere instantly changed.
He sat on the bed properly and opened his arms to welcome you into a warm hug. You finally felt like you were back to the good times, you finally felt happy again.

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