a month later

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A month had passed very slowly. It consisted of nights awake, lack of sleep was built up and many sleepovers with Kirstie and Louisa occurred due to the flat being to quite.

But the time has come you were packing the last bits to head off to Amsterdam on the euro tunnel with Kirstie. 2 hours on a train and you would be with the boys you loved the most.
You slept for the first hour these sleepless nights had counted up to a lot of tiredness. Then the last hour went so quick you and Kirstie chatted the whole time.
You arrived and Joe had sent a taxi to pick you up, he was the only one who knew about you coming. You travelled to the boys hotel. They were at sound check so you just dropped your bags off quickly then headed over to the venue. You arrived at the venue through the back door and walked over to the stage. Tristan saw you first, you told him to shush so you could scare Brad. You creeped up behind him and gave him a big hug. He jumped out of his skin, you couldn't stop laughing even when he engulfed you in a massive hug back. Oh how you missed the smell of him. Then you ran over to Tristan and he picked you up on his back and piggy backed you around the stage you couldn't stop laughing. You hadn't felt this happy since you last saw them on how you missed them all.
You sat in the audience and watched them sound check, smiles all the way through.

Then you all decided to head for some lunch at a pub place. You had a burger, it was so good !
The boys were still in shock you were here.
Their show was so good, you were so proud of them for everything they had achieved. You headed back to the hotel bar for some celebratory drinks, then you all called it a night and headed up to your rooms.
Brad walked you back to your room even though it was opposite his and Tristan's. He walked you to your door and you offered him to come in for a while. Tristan just let out a little smile and said goodnight whilst Brad walked into your room. You guys just laid in each others arms and spoke for a while had a big catch up on the last month, it's crazy how much goes on when your apart from someone for so long.
The time passed by line seconds, it was around 2 am when you were exhausted and wanted to sleep so Brad got up gave you a big hug and kiss and headed to his door. Just as you were about to close your door you hear Brad turn around and say "slight problem love Tris has the key and I can hear him snoring through the door" you started laughing and waved your hand for him to come back in. You brushed your teeth and got changed in the bathroom whilst Brad got into bed. You lay facing the bathroom door and Brad faced the window. It was low-key awkward you didn't know what do do. Until you felt brads hands wrap around you and hug you from behind. The warmth radiated off his body it was truly the best feeling. You felt safe and so comfortable. You fell straight asleep.

You heard an alarm go off, you rubbed your eyes and checked the time it was 8am the boys were playing a show in Brussels. You rolled over to see Brad lying their fast asleep completely un phased by the alarm. So you placed your self on top of him and smothered him in kisses, he soon woke up. You both lie their for a couple minutes in ore of each other.
Brad then put his clothes on and headed over to his room across the hall, opening the door stood a very smug looking Tristan. You could tell he knew something was up. Brad blew a kiss to you as you closed your door.
You got ready for the day. You wore some mom style dungarees with a white Bando top underneath and a cardigan on top. You were comfy but also felt put together. You headed down to breakfast where you were meeting Kirstie and the boys before heading off to Brussels for sound check.

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