Will you be girlfriend ?

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You woke up tangled in Brads arms, you lay their for a while and then you pushed him off of you and woke him up forcing him to come on a run with you around Paris. Surprisingly he was down.
You both got your running stuff on and began running together, your hotel was central Paris so you ran past the Eiffel tower and sat their for a while. In this time of sitting by the tower you we're silent both of you, until Brad broke the silence with a very straight forward question. "Ell will you be my girlfriend" you were taken aback as you weren't expecting him to ask yet considering you hadn't even told anyone but Tris and Louise. But of course you weren't going to say no. You smiled at him and wen " yes Brad yes I will". He smiled and went "finally I can relax it's official" You gave him a massive hug and kiss. You then walked back to the hotel where you were greeted with Tris at breakfast. Whilst you and Brad were getting stuff from the buffet you decided you were gonna announce to Tris your dating. You sat down and went "Tris imagine Brad finally found the balls to ask me to be his girlfriend" Tris's mouth dropped open the man was speechless. He was so happy for you both but also in shock at the fact it was official.
Tris was so happy for us both, soon Kirstie James, Connor and Lucy came down for breakfast and you announced it to them they were so shocked cause they had no idea anything was going on between you both but they couldn't be happier.
Soon Joe and Dean found out through Tristan as he was way to excited to not tell them.
You were truly the happiest you had been in a while, you had not only a best friend but also a boyfriend, and the best group of people around you to support you through life,you couldn't ask for more.

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