Show day

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You lie awake in your hotel room, then your phone starts buzzing it's Joe. "Yes Joe" you say in an annoyed tone as you were woken up by him. He explains that the boys are heading to breakfast soon and he wanted to know if I was joining them. You felt bad using such an annoyed tone now. You said yes and swiftly got out of bed and put some material shorts and an oversized T-shirt on and tied your bed head up ready for breakfast.

Once the breakfast buffet was over you went up to your room and put on a swimming costume as you were going to spend the day sunbathing by the hotel pool whilst the boys do sound check.
The time was ticking and the concert was soon rolling around. So you headed back up to the room to shower and put some makeup on along with the red dress you chose of the show. You even put on red lipstick to match.
The boys were already at the arena so you travelled with Kirstie and Lucy in a car they looked stunning. Once you arrived you joined in with the pre show fun and was singing and dancing around the backstage room, getting ready for an amazing performance.
Brad was being very strange around you ever since you arrived at the theatre you chose to brush it off as it could be that he was very nervous perhaps.

The show began and the boys rocked the theatre it was good the energy was crazy. After the show finished celebrations began. We headed out to a bar and had some drinks to celebrate 10 years and the amazing show they just put on. We all got pretty drunk which lead to Joe calling it a night for all of us and sending us back to the hotel in a car.
Brad had barely spoken to me so took it upon my self to go into Brads room before Tristan came in and ask him if I had done something. I asked him if I upset him coming and visiting them but all I got back was a look of pure emotion. I wasn't sure what to do next, but suddenly I had no time to think what I wanted to do next...

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