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The morning rolled around, next to you lay a sleepy Brad will Simpson. His hair was fluffed up, his eyes lay closed and his mouth. He was so still, so peaceful. You lay next to him admiring all his features and realising how lucky you are to have such a handsome boyfriend.

You checked your phone after admiring him for a while, to see tons of follow requests. You were so confused how people knew who you were all of a sudden but then you put two and two together and realised Brad and Tristan's Instagram story had you on it and people have probably been searching to find more out about me. It didn't really bother you, you decided to keep your Instagram private to only friends and family just as a personal preference . It also meant you could post Brad in a boyfriend way and no one would know. You and Brad decided to keep your relationship private as he felt it was the one thing he could keep personal to himself as the rest of his life was public.

Soon after he woke up, in not such a good mood. He spoke about how he wishes I would leave my job and just tour with him, doing my diploma as we travelled the world together. I shut him down and spoke realistically, how we can FaceTime and how his tour doesn't last forever and he will be back in the uk soon. He shed a small smile and nodded agreeing with your statement.

He then held you in his arms and whispered in your ear, your my girl forever and always. I love you to the moon and back. You just held him and sat in comfortable silence for a while.
The last place you would be visiting with the boys is Frankfurt Germany. You guys packed the hotel room up and met everyone downstairs for your last breakfast at this beautiful grand hotel. You then headed to the hide van and drove to Frankfurt.

What a beautiful place it was. You slept most of the car journey and woke up when Tris shouted "wake your smelly arse up". You replied "well good evening to you to Tris".
You were never one for naps but these past few days had had you tired. You pulled your suitcase into the hotel and went straight to your room. You crashed straight out before evening saying goodnight to Brad.

You woke up at 6 am and could not go back to sleep so you decided to get your headphones and go for a run and grab a coffee by your self as it was so early.
Today was the last full day with the boys you were going to miss them so much.
You sat down for your coffee and realised you had loads of Instagram request dm's so you thought you would have a look. Most of them consisted of fan accounts for the boys asking questions like "do you work for the boys ?" "Are you dating one for them?" You didn't mind normal questions cause you think the same about other celebs but it was the ones when people were rude for no reason cause they didn't even know you as a person. Those dm's consisted of "who tf are you being all friendly with the boys" "thinking your worthy of being one of their girlfriends" "she defo just works for them why else would they want to know her"
Those dm's began to hurt the more you read them but you brushed it off and tried to justify that their were as many nice comments as mean.

It was now half 8 you had been running for like 2hours it was peaceful and mind calming. Just listening to your favourite music whilst running. No problems, no disturbance. Arriving back at the hotel, just as Brad called you. You told him you would be up in a minute.

You knocked on the door and their stood was a sleepy, bed headed Brad in his underpants with his arms wide open for a big hug. You had a chilled day today just lazing around the hotel room watching movies with each other. Everyone was exhausted from life.
You both decided tonight could be your date night before you head back to london. So you both go ready and matched in Red and headed down to the hotel restaurant. You ordered a steak and he ordered some sea food. The food was so good. Then you both got a spot at the bar and had some cocktails, Brad convinced you to get a taxi to a live music bar where you could dance. So you headed into the town and had a little dance it was so lovely truly a memory to remember.
When you got back to the hotel you both crashed out you were both so drunk that you woke up the next morning with makeup still on and your outfits from last night which made you chuckle.

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