Birthday girl

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The boys Paris show was so good !! They smashed it. Tomorrow was my birthday and I was supposed to be spending it back in London but Kirstie convinced me to stay a few more days with the boys on tour. I saw convinced much convincing didn't happen I was already won over.
You were off to cologne, that was the boys next destination.
You set off on an evening flight to cologne, you arrived on your birthday in a country you had never been to before !! Germany you were so excited one because it was your birthday and two because you were seeing new places.
You turned big 27 this year oh how you felt old.
You touched down and the birthday beats started. You arrived at the hotel and crashed out for a few hours and then woke up to beautiful sunshine.
Let the birthday celebrations begin !

You and Brad were sharing a hotel room with Tris. You woke up and was greeted by a desk of presents, every year since you lived with the boys they have always made your birthday so special.
Tris demanded you open his present first, inside a bag was a box which read Swarovski, you opened it and inside was a beautiful diamond silver bangle. You loved it it was so pretty, he got him and Brad a plain silver bangel to so that no matter how far apart you guys are you always have something to be near each other with.  Tris was very thoughtful when it came to gifts. You gave him a massive hug and said "thank you so much Tris I love it"
Brad was waiting patiently for you to open his, inside a bag was all your favourite sweets and chocolate which made you smile then inside a large box sat a beautiful Michael kors cross body bag you had been eyeing up for over a year. You couldn't believe he remembered the one you pointed out to him in the window over a year ago now. You gave him a massive hug and kiss, you then engulfed them in a group hug, you couldn't thank them enough for everything they have done for you.

You layed down on the bed next to Tris whilst Brad got in the shower, you were checking your phone for birthday messages. Brad and Tris had posted the cutest things on their Instagram story.

Brad posted a picture of you cooking in the flat and he wrote happy birthday to my best friend thank you for always supporting me and the boys with everything. Have the best day spent with us love you lots  x

Tris posted the ugliest photo even taken of you, it was a selfie from when you first moved in the flat 3 years ago, you both had triple chins you couldn't help but laugh, he wrote happy birthday to my best friends who's become more like a sister to me, thank you for being the best roommate, for never failing to cook a bangin meal. Love you billions Tris x

Connor and James posted cute pictures of you two saying happy birthday along with Kirstie and all your friends, they were the best x

You got a call from Kirstie telling you to hurry up and come to her and James room, so you rushed in the shower after Brad and got ready as fast as you could and headed over to their room.
The door was left open a tad so you walked in and their stood James, Connor,Kirstie and Lucy they all sang you happy birthday with Brad following behind you. You opened their presents they were all so lovely and thoughtful. You were so grateful.

When you all were ready the boys headed to sound check leaving you and the girls to go get some breakfast at a waffle house. You ordered a strawberry and chocolate waffle with a chocolate milkshake. To say you felt sick afterwards was an understatement. You and the girls then walked around the town and looked in some shops it was beautiful the buildings were so pretty.

A few hours went by and the boys were back for some lunch just before they got ready for the show.

The show was brilliant the crowd were so loud it was so beautiful to see the audience sing the lyrics back.

After the show Kirstie and Lucy and the boys had planned something for your birthday. They booked a fancy bar/restaurant where you had endless cocktail's and shots. The boys had also arranged for the restaurant to bring you a birthday cake out and sing happy birthday to you.
This really was a birthday to remember !!

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