The city of Romance

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You arrived in Paris bright at early at 6am, then you checked into your hotel room at around 8am. You had a shower and got ready for the day. You chose a mini tennis skirt in grey with some tights and an oversized black knitted sweater with some black chunky boots.

You had made a booking to see the Louvre with Kirstie whilst the boys sound checked. It was truly beautiful the art was incredible and the Mona Lisa lived up to its name. The building it's self was so creative and clever. You took some amazing pictures outside the building for your Instagram.
Then after that you and Kirstie were starving so you met the boys for some food at a cafe which overlooked the Eiffel Tower, you had a sandwich which was nice with a coffee. You sat their for quite a while admiring the view and chatting.
The boys headed back to the venue to sort out a few last minute bits and you and Kirstie went to look around some vintage shops, then headed back to the hotel to get ready for the evening. You and Kirstie decided to order room service for dinner and eat whilst getting ready.
Once you were both ready you headed to the venue it was really beautiful, the Paris crowd were so loud such an amazing sight to see. Brad looked so handsome on stage and he looked so proud of what he has achieved it warmed your heart.
When the boys were finished you met them back stage and took a few photos for their Instagram and then had some drinks and just talked for a while. The after show feeling was really hard to explain it was sad but happiness at the same time.

You got back to the hotel and couldn't wait to take your heels off your feet were killing. On your way home you got the taxi to stop by the Eiffel Tower so you could see it shine in all it glory it was truly beautiful worth the extra five euros.

You crashed onto your mattress and checked your phone only to see a message from Brad asking if I would open the door. You pulled your self up and opened the door to a tired looking Brad who stood in his joggers and no T-shirt. You spun round and got him to unzip your dress. You slipped it off and felt two hands grab you and pull you over to the bed. You straddled him whilst you intensely made out. Then you lie next to him breathless. He turns to look at you and you look at him. His mouth opens he utters 3 words "your so beautiful" you just lightly smiled at him and spoke at a low volume "thank you for everything, you always know what to do and what to say to make me feel better I love you" he smiled and placed a kiss on your lips, whispering back "I love you to" you couldn't help the undeniable happiness that swept across your face in a large grin.

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