A week has passed

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The boys remained on tour and you remained in London. Your days had been filled with the same errands, uni work and then work in the evenings. You had neglected your self to be honest but your main aim was to keep busy otherwise you began overthinking. Very rarely you had time to just sit and relax for a minute but you didn't mind it it meant the time went quicker. You and Brad hadn't been talking much either due to time zones or your work shifts which made things a lot harder between you two, felt as though a distance was growing and pushing you apart.

You had a three day weekend as a bank holiday had rolled around so you decided to head back home for the three days and see your family you missed them so much. You got the train and was their in no time.
The three days flew by so quick. You loved your home town it was different from London in so many ways, the town was much smaller by scale and the people knew everyone which was a very community feeling you loved so much.

On the Saturday evening of the bank holiday you decided to meet up with some old school friends, though being in a pub was the last thing you had felt like doing the last few weeks it's where you found yourself this evening. The atmosphere was great a live band was playing and all your friends were arriving. They had all changed so much you didn't realise how long it had been since you saw them it felt like the good old times. You were chatting to the girls and then the boys arrived, Owen, Leo, Tom and Ellis arrived you couldn't believe how tall they had gotten. You did miss your old friends at times.
You were chatting away to Owen for what felt like a few minutes but actually was an hour, he was so easy to talk to and their was so much to talk about cause you hadn't seen him in like over a year.
You soon got pulled away by the girls Ellie and Laura because they wanted to do a three man karaoke you were so drunk you were up for anything. In your ears it sounded 10/10.

You walked home with the lads and girls.
You and Owen departed from the rest as you guys lived the closest, your parents have lived in the same house since you were a kid and it is 4 doors up from Owens house so he offered to walk you to your door. He gave you a hug and you said your goodbyes. You got in and laid in bed and crashed straight out you hadn't drunk that much in a long time.

The next morning you woke up with the worst headache known to man. You checked your phone and you did not hold back on the posts. Snapchat and Instagram saw your whole night. From the kaorke to the walk home. You couldn't stop laughing watching the clips back.
You had a text from Brad saying call me asap, a wave of wordiness washed over you.

You called him and he seemed off. Almost angry. "Brad what's wrong you've been really distance and now you seen angry at me ?" He took a sigh and replied "I miss you that's why I have been distant I don't know how to deal being away from you for so long and i'm angry because you don't try anymore it's like you have given up on us, you think that drinking and reuniting with old friends will solve this on going problem between us" he shouted down the phone. You were taken aback by his sudden change in tone. His last words really hurt you, is that what he really thinks of you. All you could utter back was "Brad you didn't need to shout and I only saw those friends because I felt lonely, London felt lonely I felt like I couldn't be their anymore so I went home for a few days is that so bad, does that make me such a bad person, to feel entitled to have a drink one night and let loose considering I've been working my arse off to ensure I can get my self food each night" the phone went silent not a word or breath was heard from either end. He finally spoke up and said his final words "You need to talk to me more love if your struggling I can help and all I'm saying is you seemed pretty close to that Blond haired friend of yours didn't you now" " Brad babe I don't want your sympathy what I want is for you to trust me and be okay with me having guy friends and take time to check up on me everyone once in a while you know awnser my texts" all he could say was "okay" so you ended the call.

It was now Wednesday and you haven't spoken to each other since. You felt as though he was hiding something. So you called Tristan because although you were mad at Brad you still cared about him and the boys.
You missed Tris he was positive and happy something you had been missing in your life.
You spoke to Tris for a good hour whilst he was packing for the airport, you had a good catch up and then you heard Brad in the background so you called it a day.
Tris said Brad had been okay he just seemed very tired, he would appreciate another suprise visit so you thought you would be grown up and put aside your problems you had been facing and go visit him maybe that's all that you both need a little up lift.

Tris texted you and said he had already booked your flight for you since he knew you had been struggling with money. You couldn't thank him enough.
Off to Milan you go.

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