Home time

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You woke up, the sun beamed through the windows. You rolled over to check your phone, to your surprise it was only 8 am. You decided since it was your last day you would head straight down to the pool to catch some sun rays. You rolled out of bed making your way over to the bathroom when you see clothes all over your floor. You don't recall much from last night but you would know if someone stayed in your bed surely.
You opened your bathroom door half asleep, to a shock. Their was Brad stood in his towel brushing his teeth.
You couldn't get words out but instead a simple laugh left you're mouth. You swiftly moved into the bathroom and joined him by brushing your teeth next to him, not a word was said between you both.
You left the bathroom and began packing your suitcase and getting your outfit for the day together. Brad followed into the room getting his things together. All you could think about is what happen last night did any thing happen ? He changed in the bathroom then almost left the hotel room without a word being said but you stopped him and simply asked "Brad what happened last night why are you in my room" a big smirk came across his face you couldn't tell if this was because you had no idea what happen giving him all control over what did or didn't happen  or weather nothing acc happened so he finds it funny you think anything could actually happen between the two of you.
The only thing he could say was "I wouldn't let anything happen ell when you are as drunk as you were even if I wanted to" you couldn't help but sigh in relief. You also had a smile come across your mouth as he respected you and was their for you in a friend way. You opened your arms and welcomed him in a big hug. He was taken aback almost but neither the less accepted the hug and said " ell I love you as a best friend but also as more I always will but you need to be ready for the next step two, just know I will be waiting for whenever your ready if you ever are" all you could say back was "thank you, for being my best friend I love you to" he let go and turned to the door. You felt empty as if you had closed a chapter but were opening a new one a very strange feeling. You brushed it aside and headed down to the pool side.

The day flew by in and out of the pool with Kirstie and James. Connor joined later on in the day to it was so lovely. Brad came down which was nice.

Then the time rolled around where you had to head back to the airport. You really didn't want to you were gonna miss the boys so much but it had to be done. You went for dinner then gave big hugs to the boys and wished them the best of luck on their big tour !! Kirstie and Lucy were coming back in a few days. The boys had hired a car and so Brad offered to drive you to the airport which you found strange but very sweet of him.

In the car the radio filled the silence for a few minutes and then he spoke up and you both had some small talk and then he said "I hope when I get back from tour you have thought about our conversation and can bring some closure to how you feel" you quickly replied " of course but I can tell you that I would love to be more than just your best friend Brad your so lovely that I wanna give it a try and if it doesn't work out well at least we can still be best friends" a smile appeared over his face and he placed his hand on your leg and you stayed in comfortable silence for the rest of the journey. When you arrived you gave him a massive hug which you wanted to last a lifetime and a kiss which felt so special.
Let the 13 hour flight begin.

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