Bathtub date

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"Babe, you're in there?" You heard Lana's deep voice ask and you froze, panicking that what you had planned would go to waste.

"Yeah, uhm... I'm done in a second" you said before doing the last touches on your little bathroom arrangement. You eventually smiled at your finale result, proud of yourself.

When you heard the door open slightly, you turned around, immediately closing it again.
"Baby what are you doing?" Lana asked, but you just giggled to yourself before getting yourself out of the door without revealing too much.

"Close your eyes" you said, making the woman in front of you frown. You just rolled your eyes while chuckling before you covered her eyes with your hands since she didn't have the sense to listen to you sometimes.

You carefully led her into the bathroom and before removing your hands, you glanced over the room one last time to make sure everything was perfect. Panic spread through your body when you realized you had forgotten to light the candles.

"Lana I forgot something so close your eyes okay. Do NOT look" you said and your girlfriend just chuckled before you removed your hands to go and light up the few candles you had placed near the bathtub.

"I can hear what you're doing you know" Lana said when she heard the sound of a match light. You couldn't care less though, the important thing was that she wouldn't look.

"Don't peek I know you" you said before you hurried behind her again. When a satisfied smile had crossed your lips, you said "free to go"

Lana's smile was wide as she opened her eyes. Her mouth opened a little as her eyes were completely pure and delicate. She turned around and smiled at you, before she kissed you on the lips. You smiled through the kiss as you snaked your arms around her neck.

"Why?" She asked, not understanding why you had arranged this for her.

You just shrugged, giving her a little smirk.
"Well after why women kill season 3 got cancelled you've been a little sad, so I thought to lighten your mood a little" you said kissing her nose.

"Now get in" you said leaning back before you took off your shirt yourself. Lana smiled softly at you before starting to get undressed as well. You helped her with unclasping her bra that fell to the ground, as well as her other clothes before both of you got into the bathtub. It was the perfect temperature and you immediately got the bath bomb with natural ingredients that you had bought, making Lana smile.

"You should do it" you said, handing it to Lana who had a cheeky grin on her face, before she dropped the little ball into the hot water. It created a beautiful touch onto the whole scene, making you both smile.

"This was just what I needed" she said sighing, closing her eyes as she tilted her head backwards. You scooted closer to her, lacing your fingers under the water before doing the same. This was what you called quality time. In that moment it was just you two and nothing else. A smile appeared on your soft lips before you opened your eyes, seeing Lana still relaxing.

Even though the two of you were together and that this was just an act of relaxation for the two of you, you couldn't help but admire your girlfriend. She was sitting there completely exposed and vulnerable in front of you as she was just enjoying this exact moment. Your eyes were studying every little feature on her body from her soft lips to her perfect breasts under the water. Even her neck you found admirable.

Her head lifted from the wall as her eyes opened to notice you staring at her.

"What's up?" She asked with a grin.

"Nothing. Just admiring what's mine" you said before she chuckled.

You smiled at her before getting the tray from the floor, offering your girlfriend some chocolate with your eyebrows raised. She gave you a cheeky grin and a chuckle, before her fingers stroked over the caramel filled chocolates.

When she placed the piece in her mouth, a soft moan escaped her lips as she tasted the sweets you had prepared. Her eyes closed for a brief second before her hand travelled from her stomach to her neck, a long pause in her movement when she had reached her breast.
You sucked in a deep breath when you saw your girlfriend touching herself as her head was tilted back. Eventually her eyes opened to look at you, and you just gave her a stern look.

"Don't tease me like that" you said before she chuckled and gathered you in her arms, your head resting just beneath her chin.

"Thank you so much for this y/n" she said, stroking her fingers through your hair as you were listening to her calm heartbeat.

"You're welcome my woman" you said before you could feel Lana's chest rising from chuckling because of your nickname for her.

Eventually you readjusted both of your positions, placing her between your legs, her back against your front. You started massaging her tight shoulders, Lana humming when she felt the knots under her skin being loosened up.

She tilted her head backwards, resting it on your shoulder as her eyes were closed. You just smiled before continuing your work on her shoulders, glad that you were able to make her feel relaxed after this stressful period of time for her.

She turned her head to the side and kissed your neck softly, her lips lingering on your skin for a while. "You know I love you right" she asked, almost half asleep.

You chuckled internally before answering. "I know. I love you too"

Lana x y/n one shots Where stories live. Discover now