Chapter 13

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Sasuke pov

I woke up and quickly got ready to start my day i walked down the hallway when I stopped at a picture of me and Itachi when we we're younger the little girls I seen yesterday definitely looked like me at that age that is very suspicious.

I unlocked my phone and quickly dialed Dog breaths number

What's up bro ?

Do you still have connections with that DNA lab tech ?

Yes why ?

I'm gonna need you to have them make me an appointment but have them sign a non disclosure order so they can't discuss anything about me being there to others please

Sure I'm on it

Thank you

No problem bro

Bye bro


I hung up my phone and headed to the set I'll get to the bottom of this

20 minutes later

After parking my car I headed to my trailer I opened the door to my trailer to see Kakashi Sensei sitting in one of the chairs waiting for me

Morning Sasuke


Can you do me a favor Kakashi ?  Iruka watches those little brats that I seen yesterday correct ?

Umm yes he does why ?

I need a hair sample from both of them if he can get it for me please I'll appreciate it.

I'm sure he can but what for ?

They look oddly familiar to me and I passed by a picture of me and Itachi when we we're younger and they look like me just with blue eyes I just wanna make sure that's all.

Okay I'll make sure to tell him.

Thank you

I sat my things down and waited for them to tell me to get ready this is gonna be a long day

Time skip to after the photo shoot

I walked out of my trailer after changing back into my street clothes I headed to my car when I was stopped by Iruka Sensei

Sasuke I have what you asked for here you go please don't tell Naruto I did this he'll freak out on me I hope you get your answers have a good day

Thank you Iruka sensei you to and don't worry I won't

After saying bye I headed back to my car and made my way to the DNA clinic Kiba sent me the address earlier.

I gotta admit that I'm very nervous about these results what if by chance they are mine ? How will we work that out Naruto hates me and I can't blame him but he'll have to get over it because those kids are mine as well and I have a right to see them.

My second thought is what if their not then does that me he cheated on me with another Uchiha But who there wasn't many Uchiha that we're our age so someone older ? Highly doubt it since the only ones he met was Itachi and Shisui. Itachi wouldn't do that to me or Kurama that idiot to in love with the loud red head and Shisui is to straight so that only leaves me.

I couldn't arrive any faster to the clinic once I parked my car I hurried up and ran in

A girl with pink hair and a big ass forehead was at the reception desk

Hello I called later about an appointment for a paternity test I have the samples with me my name Sasuke Uchiha

I watched as she typed things in

Dr. Shizune will be with you in just a moment take a seat in the waiting room

Thank you

I took a seat in the chair that was closest to the doors where the dr come out of.

I felt my leg start to shake as I waited to be called in what felt like an eternity was only five minutes.

Sasuke Uchiha?

I stood up and Walked over to a women with scrubs and black hair

Hello I'm Dr. Shizune please follow me

I nodded my head and followed her to a room she closed the door after I walked in

So how can I help you today ?

I need a paternity test taken on these hair samples please I need to know if these children belong to me ma'am

Sure that will take about 6 to 7 days for the results I'll make sure to call you when they are in any questions for me ?

No thank you

No problem Mr. Uchiha you are free to go since I have all the samples I'll see you in a few days

See yea

I walked out the room and out the building I went back to my car and began my drive I didn't want to go home so I decided on heading to a bar to calm down

I hit the group call button on my phone and made sure it was on speaker

What's up Sasuke?

Yeah man I was busy

This better be good I was praying to Joshin when you interrupted me

What's up bro

Whose down to go drinking with me right now at the Akatsuki ? Anyone.

Sure why not

Hell yeah I'm down

I guess

Okay meet me there in ten losers bye


I wasn't to far from the bar it became a regular hangout spot for us.

I surprisingly found parking the the parking lot for once. I got out of my car and headed to the entrance I seen my friends come running up to me

So what's up Sasuke you never go day drinking unless something up so you care to explain to us the situation

I will once I get a drink in me okay guys


We walked in since the bouncer knew us we didn't have to wait I made my way to the bar and sat down

What can I get you gentlemen ?

5 shots of tequila please and keep them coming

Sure thing

I ran my hand through my hair this is gonna be a stressful couple of days

I hear a glass being passed to me I grabbed it and knocked back the shot the burning feeling only lasted a minute

I heard someone clear their throat I looked to see my friends all giving me looks

I guess I'll start from the beginning of my week

Here goes nothing ...

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