Chapter 18

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Hinata pov

I sat there and thought about Sasuke words he's right in a way it can be worse if we wait any longer to tell them but am I ready for Kiba to know that's the real question. How much longer can I keep lying to Haku about his dad ?

He's not gonna be this little forever I can't have him resent me I sighed before pulling out my phone I unlocked it and went to Facebook

I quickly typed in Kiba Inuzuka I clicked on the only profile that popped up and sure enough it was him

I quickly tapped the Messenger button.

Hey Kiba I know it's been a long time and idk if you remember me but I would like to meet up with you and talk about a few things please. Whenever you're free please let me know.

I hit send and waited my heart my racing I don't know if I was ready for this I never thought that I would have to deal with this so soon I don't know if I can handle it I felt my chest tighten and that's when the panic attack hit.

I felt dizzy so I sat on the floor and tried to calm myself but it wasn't working that made it worse I tried to close my eyes and count to ten but that didn't help either

I felt my throat burn from lack of oxygen if I didn't calm down I'll pass out but I just can't calm down until I heard a

Mommy ? Are you otay ?

I looked to see my precious Haku standing there looking at me with a worried look on his precious face

I'm fine sweetie I promise I'm just nervous about something okay ?

Otay momma

I seen my phone light up I unlocked it to see Kiba replied

Hey I remember you why wouldn't I? I'm free tonight if you wanna go have dinner at this one dinner Called MiMi's I'll meet you there at 6 ? 

That sounds like a plan I'll see you at 6

I hit send well it's now or never I looked at the time on my phone and seen that it was four so I had time to get ready

I got up from the floor and lifted Haku up

Where are we going momma ?

To go get ready sweetie you're gonna met someone very important tonight so I need you to behave for me please.

Otay momma

I gave Haku a quick bath before letting him dress himself

I'll be back in a bit sweetie I need to shower and get ready can you play while I do that.

Sure momma

I walked into my room and headed to my bathroom with the things I needed.

30 minutes later

I was finally ready to leave I looked at the time and seen that it was 5 better leave since it's a thirty to forty minute drive I grabbed my purse and headed to Haku.

Sweetie come on

Otay momma

We headed to the garage where my car was I unlocked my car and strapped Haku in his seat before getting into the driver seat.

30 minutes later

I parked my car outside of MiMi's I took a deep breath I was trying to find the courage to get out this car and face him it's been so long can I even face him ? Is he still as handsome as I remember him ? How will he react when he sees me with Haku ? Would he assume that I'm married ? I mean I don't have rings on my fingers but still maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.

Before I could drive off I seen that Haku got out of his chair and was unlocking the door I sighed and got out might as well get this over with.

I helped Haku out of the car and held onto his hand as we walked to the entrance I looked at my phone I was early I guess we can wait by the doors.

We made it to the front and I seen him standing there with black jeans black vans a grey v neck and a leather jacket his hair was still the spiky mess I remember he got more attractive if that was even possible he noticed me and smiled

Hey Hinata thank you for meeting with me whose this little guy hi I'm Kiba.

Hi I'm Haku

Nice to meet you Haku

Nice to meet you to

H... Hi Kiba thank you for inviting me I hope you don't mind that I brought my son along.

Oh of course not I love kids shall we go in ?


We headed inside and stopped at the hostess booth

Hello Welcome to MiMi's how many people today

Three two adults one child

Follow me please

We followed the hostess to a booth in the back

I sat down on one side with Haku and Kiba sat on the opposite side we ordered our drinks.

So how are things it's been awhile

It has and they've been good I work as a publisher for Naruto photography company. What about you ?

I work as a boxing coach I also coach baseball when it's in season

That's good


It was quite for awhile I started fidgeting my fingers an old habit I thought I got rid of but I guess not the waitress came with our drinks and took our orders

I took a sip of my water I can do this I can do it it's for Haku not me I took a deep breath

Kiba I need to tell you something important and I hope you don't hate me for it.

What is it ? I'm sure i won't

You see do you remember the graduation party back in high school ?

Yeah why?

That night we slept together well I found something out right before you left for college you see I found out I was pregnant with Haku and I didn't want to bother you so I just left it as it is because we said we'll just forget being a couple after you left and now we're here .

It was quite for a few minutes I was starting to panic I almost didn't catch Kiba saying something

I can see the resemblance when we we're outside I just didn't want to say anything.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding

We can have a DNA test ran for you if you want

No need I trust you

I smiled thank you Kiba I looked at Haku

Haku sweetie meet your dad.

That one night SasuNaru AUWhere stories live. Discover now