Chapter 26

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Same day
Temari pov

I walked back into mansion from the backyard to see my baby brother rushing upstairs I knew that rush he was gonna throw up I quickly ran after him

I stood outside of the bathroom door I knocked real quick

Gaara sweetie ? It's Temari can I please come in I just wanna make sure you're okay.

It was quite but I heard the lock on the door unlock I opened the door to see my poor brother on the floor by the toilet I closed the door and made sure to lock it before bending down to check if he was okay.

How are you feeling Gaara ?

I feel like crap

I nodded and put my hand on his forehead

Your not hot or anything could it be something you ate ?

It could be

When you feel less nauseous I'll get you a ginger ale and some crackers okay ?


I stand in the bathroom with him until he was okay to go back out I helped him up

Thank you Mari

No problem what kinda older sister would I be if I didn't take care of you ?

You'll still be an amazing older sister to me Mari no matter what

Aww thank you brat I love ya

I love you to

We walked out the bathroom and headed downstairs it was a lot quieter in the house now I guess everyone went outside I went to the kitchen and grabbed a ginger ale

Here sit down and drink this while I get you some crackers and I don't expect you to get up until it's gone do you understand.

Yes mother

I lightly smacked his shoulder before looking in the cabinet for crackers once I found them I tossed it on the counter.

I waited until he was completely done before heading outside.

I seen my husband running around with Choji as they chased the kids
It's weird seeing everyone as parents sometimes I seen the girls sitting at a table talking I decided on joining them after all it's been awhile since I hung out with them.

Hey guys

Hi Mari

How is everyone it's been awhile hasn't it ?

It has and we're all good

I looked at Tenten

How much longer ?

6 more months but I'm ready to meet my baby already.

I understand I was like that with Shikadai I couldn't wait to meet him and hold him but now I got a carbon copy of his father.

Nara men are fucking lazy I swear

What's this about Nara men ?

I turned to see Shikamaru walking up to me

Nothing just that you guys are lazy asses !

But we make up for it with other things 😏

I smacked him

Shut up

You know you love me 😉

Ya ya now go along this is girl talk


The girls we're laughing I couldn't help but smile I love that lazy man

So are you gonna have any more kids Mari ?

I looked at Tenten

Maybe in the future I wouldn't mind having a girl you know I feel like I'm out numbered in my house sometimes cause I'm the only girl so maybe having a little girl wouldn't be so bad I just gotta talk Shikamaru into wanting another kid.

What about you guys

I wouldn't mind another kid

I wouldn't either but me and Sai aren't really on the best of terms right now so I don't know how well that would go.

I'm sorry Ino

Don't be it is what it is no one can change what's been done.

I nodded my head

I began thinking about Gaara symptoms it could be just food poisoning but if it's not than he could be pregnant the thought made me happy I love being an aunt just as much as I love being a mom.

I looked around the party and noticed everyone was here expect for one person Sasuke that was weird I know him and Naruto aren't really on good terms but he was invited.

Hina ?


Sasuke was invited right ?

Yes he was

Why isn't he here than you would think since it's his children birthday he'll show up

I have no idea

It's better off this way that piece of shit can go kick rocks and never return for all I care.

Ino be nice

Why he's treated Naruto horribly why should I be nice because he magically became a "decent person" towards Naruto after all this time bullshit he's just gonna hurt him and the girls and when he does I'll be there to beat his ass.

I agree with Ino I know he just walked in and I haven't seen him in years but he still looks like a stuck up brat to me who thinks he's to good for everyone.

See guys Temari agrees with me why can't the rest of you ?

Because it's wrong Ino give people the benefit of the doubt.

I rolled my eyes at what Tenten said whatever

My gaze followed Sasuke around like a hawk it would seem that he wasn't going to Naruto but towards the girls.

I raised my eyebrow and waited to see how my nieces would react they seemed really happy when they seen him they even jumped on him he had a smile on his face which was rare.

I seen from the corner of my eye Naruto walking towards them I watched him hug Sasuke really quick before pulling away he seemed happy i don't know how to feel like this.

I moved my gaze else where and I seen my husband talking to my brothers about what I don't know but they seemed to be laughing so that was a good sign.

I seen Auntie Kushina , Chihiro , Noriko

I walked over to them and bowed real quick

Hi Aunties

Hi Temari dear how are you sweetie ?

I'm good how are you guys

We're okay

Where's Uncles , Minato , Choza and Inoichi ?

Probably somewhere in the house hiding from the kids

Ah okay.

We we're talking about work when I heard someone shout


That one night SasuNaru AUWhere stories live. Discover now