Chapter 20

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Gaara pov

Hidan had texted me that he would like to meet up and meet the kids so here I was at 1 in the afternoon standing outside of the park watching my beautiful children play while I waited for their father to show up I watching as Sora pushed his sister on the swing I couldn't help but smile.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture I was to busy smiling while watching my kids run around that I didn't notice Hidan walked up.

Man have I missed that smile on you're face it used to be the highlight of my day when I could make you smile man have times change.

I looked at him



He took a seat next to me on the Bench he looked a head and smiled when he noticed that Sora was helping Hikari down from the swing.

They came running to me with smiles on their faces

Papa can we go get some food please ?

Sure guys

I looked at Hidan

Are you okay with walking across the street to a little cafe

No not at all

Let's go

I grabbed both of my children's hands and began walking across the street.

Once we went inside I sat down at a booth Hidan sat on the opposite side of us

Papa whose this ?

I didn't want to lie to my children anymore but was I ready to tell them before I could even tell them Hidan beat me to it

I'm you're other father Hikari

Both her and Sora looked at me and waited for a confirmation to see if it was true or not.

I smiled at them

He is

Hikari seemed excited but Sora looked upset before I can say anything he took off running I told Hidan to watch Hikari while I chased after Sora.

I followed my poor baby outside and seen him about to turn on the side walk I quickly ran and grabbed him I lifted him up he clung to me while burying his face in my chest
I felt his tears fall on me and I felt my heart break my poor baby

I rubbed his back to calm him down which seemed to help a bit.

Why Papa why now ? He doesn't care about us he never has I've gotten picked on for not having another parent and told that he never loved me or Hikari so why now papa does he want to know us I don't wanna know him I hate him he hurt us papa and I don't like that he hurt you more though I want him to go away.

I felt my heart clench my poor baby was in pain and I couldn't help him I couldn't keep them from Hidan because I could lose them so this was the best thing we can do was be civil out of court I sighed this is so frustrating.

Sora I need you to listen to me for a minute okay sweetie

Otay papa

I know he hurt us believe me I know but can you try to be nice to him for me please he is your father and that means he can take you and Hikari from me do you understand I won't be able to see you guys if that happens do you want that to happen sweetie ?

No papa

Than I need you to be nice for me please .

Otay papa I promise

Good I love you so much

I love you to

I walked back to the cafe and sat down in the booth with Sora in my arms Hikari looked worried and so did Hidan

Is Sora Otay papa ?

Yes sweetie he's okay just a little upset but he'll be fine after he eats and takes a nap


The waitress came and took our orders once she left we we're left in awkward silence.

Hidan actually broke it

Are you sure he's okay ?

Yes he'll be fine don't worry we both have some apologizing to do with these kids but will save that for another time I'm trying to keep everything civil for their sake but for the fact that I don't want to go to court either and risk my chances of losing them they are my life Hidan they mean everything to me I live and breathe for these kids that if I were to lose them i don't know what I'll do I need you to understand that I also don't want to fully trust you again because you did hurt me I'm just ask for time that's all can you give me time ?

Of course I can Gaara there's no rush all I ask is if I can at least have them on weekends since I don't work on weekends I want to keep things civil as well.

Can I see how well they adjust to you before I let you keep them over nights please

No problem

Thank you

The rest of our lunch went pretty well when it was time to go Hikari hugged Hidan goodbye which surprised me she's not really a hugger when it comes to strangers but non the less I smiled

Sora on the other hand just waved goodbye while still clinging to me Hidan didn't seem to mind

We decided to meet back here next Friday and to have dinner with all four of us.

After saying bye I made sure the kids were secure in their car seats before driving off back home.

Once we got home I helped them out we walked inside and I wish we didn't it was a complete shit show I quickly told the kids to go to their rooms and go to bed.

I walked into the living room where most of the shouting was coming from.

Obviously it was one of the loud blondes in the house hold but this time it was Deidara

I couldn't see who he was shouting at until.

I seen Him.

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