Chapter 17

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Sasuke pov

I walked up the stairs that led to the office which was Naruto on my way there I seen pictures of Naruto with our kids and everyone else with there's I stopped by a picture and my eyes widened when I seen Hinata , Ino and Deidara holding kids that looked like Kiba , Sai and Sasori.

What the fuck is going on here ? I took a picture and quickly put my phone away

I made my way to Naruto office door I knocked and waited for a come in once I got one I opened the door

Here goes nothing

I walked in Naruto looked at me and seemed to freeze

I closed the door so we can have some privacy

What are you doing here how did you even find me ?

I took a picture of your license plate and went to the cops which I also notified them that you have my children and if we do not figure something out in a calm manner before I leave I'll be calling them for them to give me my children by force if they have to and will go to court and fight a long battle that you'll possibly lose are you willing to go through all of that or are you willing to be a civil adult and just talk things out ?

It's up to you Naruto what's it gonna be?

Ugh sit your ass down so we can talk baka before I change my mind .

I sat down on the office chair that was across the desk.

It was quiet for a few minutes before Naruto broke it

So you found out huh ? If you would've waited I was gonna tell you myself I just needed time but of course the great Sasuke Uchiha is impatient as ever and can't wait for shit.

I was gonna say something when Naruto stopped me

Don't interrupt me asshole I guess I should start off from the beginning before the kids were born.

The night of the day it happened we went to celebrate you and the guys graduating we got really fucked up and I left you a note that following morning well a few weeks later I found out went to your parents house to tell you to find out from your dad that you had left already and you wanted nothing to do with us and if I ever bothered you again you'll hurt the girls so I gave up.

Then a few months later I went to the mall and seen you with someone else and it hurt me really bad so I just threw the idea of you being in my life out the window.

I didn't intend on you ever meeting the girls Sasuke you put me through hell why would I want my children to go through the same hell I did ? I was gonna tell you about them yes but I was gonna convince you to sign you're rights away so you can't just barge into our lives like you just did .

I don't want you near my children Sasuke at all so please just sign the papers and move on it'll be easier this way.

I stood silent for a minute I understood where he was coming from I did treat him horrible when we we're teens but I did change and who does he think I am ? Me back down

Haha never I Sasuke Uchiha never back down

I clenched my fist

Then the next time you see me Naruto will be in court. I hope you have a good lawyer because I'm gonna make this pure hell for you and remember I tried to do it the nice way.

Have a good day

I walked out of the office and down the stairs I made my way to do the front door where Hinata and Ino where standing.

I bowed to them and quickly put my shoes back on.

I would let Kiba and Sai know about the kids before it to late girls I have evidence and you might think my friends are stupid but there not they'll be a lot less mad if it comes for you guys don't end up like Naruto and have to go to court it'll be ugly remember Japan favors fathers in these cases you guys will lose.

Have a good day

I walked out the door but not before catching a look at their scared faces I headed back to my car and began my drive to the family lawyer that works for my family.

I clenched my steering wheel I couldn't help the anger that I felt how could he keep this from me ?

I can understand somewhat but come on this is not how I wanted it to go I thought that since we we're adults we can come to an agreement out of court but I guess not.

I finally reached the lawyer office I parked my car and headed inside I didn't need to go to the receptionist I just walked straight to Kabuto office.

I knocked on the door before walking in.

Ohayo Sasuke

Ohayo Kabuto I need you to prepare a case for me please and I want you to find anything imagineable to make me win this you got it.

Yes sir but what is it about so I know what I'm up against?

Do you remember when I was dating Naruto ?

Yes why ?

Well it would seem that he can get pregnant and I got him pregnant when I graduated anyways I barely found out and when I went to his house to be civil he told me he didn't want me to have contact with the kids and to sign my rights away so now I'm here.

This should be interesting give me two days and I'll have everything ready to serve him a notice of court and will start with your statement after but I have no doubt that we can give you at least half custody it not full just leave it to me.

Thank you Kabuto I owe you

No problem

Naruto I hope you're ready.

That one night SasuNaru AUWhere stories live. Discover now