Chapter 5

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Time skip to graduation!!!

Naruto Pov

I sat in the very last row for graduation as I waited for my name to be called the foot ball field was filled with people that didn't help my nerves as they got to the U's it was time to walk.

Uzumaki Naruto

I took a deep breath and walked cross the stage to shake hands with my old principal she congratulated me before handing me my diploma.

I smiled and walked off stage

I sat back in my seat and waited for it to be over

Neiji came to the mic since he was Valedictorian and ended the ceremony with telling us to turn our tassels over

Once we did we all threw our caps in the air

I caught mine before heading to look for all my friends I caught bright red hair and blonde

I ran up to Gaara and Ino

Hey guys we did it

I know

I looked around for my family and that's when I caught on to the red heads I braced myself for one of my mom bone crushing hugs

Within a few minutes I was being crushed by my mom while hearing her cry

Oh my baby I'm so proud of you

Thanks mom

I was about to pull away when my god mother joined in on the hug

Congratulations Naruto Me & Jiraiya are very proud

Thank you Nadzukeyoa

No problem twerp

I was finally released from their holds on me I took a deep breath and sighed

All of you get ready for a group picture with the babies please

I nodded my head it's better to go along with my mother other than disagree with her

Kurama and my dad walked up with Ayame and Fumiko I said and grabbed on to them

I waited for the others to get my nieces and nephew

Once we took the group pictures together I had my kids back to my parents

Tonight we were gonna through a small bonfire just us friends our parents offered to watch the kids for us so we can have some alone time without the kids

We all said bye to our families before heading to our cars to head to our spot .

Our spot was an abandoned lake a few minutes from the school I got into my car and headed down to the lake

Once I parked my car in the parking lot  I headed down the path to the spot we hang out at

I took a seat on one of the logs on the ground

There was crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs I turned to see my friends

I smiled but frowned when I noticed what was in Gaara arms

No way am I getting cross faded with you guys in the middle of the lake at night remember what happened last time ?

Yeah no I'm good

Oh come on Naru stop being such a baby and live a little it is our graduation night after all we're supposed to celebrate plus we're kid free for the night so let's enjoy it while it last

I sighed

He does have a point I reached my hand out and grabbed the bottle of Sake that Gaara had

I popped open the cap and brought it to my mouth I took a big gulp before handing it back it's been awhile since I drank so the burning sensation I got from it was a bit much

I shook my head

Awww is it to much for the baby ?

I flipped off Ino

Fuck you

Everyone started laughing I rolled my eyes and started the fire

Whose got the speaker ?

I do

Turn it on please


I waited for Hinata to turn the speaker on before pairing my phone to it and I started blasting Olivia Rodrigo

We all sang along to traitor while drinking the sake

Once the song ended Ino looked at me

What's up Ino ?

Have you got a call from that photography agency yet ?

I have actually I start in a week

That's awesome I'm happy for you

Thanks what about you guys

Well I'm working in my family flower shop until I have enough money for college

I got the job as a modeling agent for some upcoming fashion trend in Tokyo.

I looked at Gaara what about you ?

I'm gonna work at my father office with my siblings until I figure out what I wanna major in.

That's awesome guys I'm happy for all of you

Thank you Naruto we're happy for you to

The rest of the night was just us talking and drinking and being just plain stupid.

Once we we're sober enough to head over to Ino's we put the fire out and got into our cars to start the drive back.

The lakes and trees began to blur as I got closer to the city I got close to our street so I made a quick left turn and drove up a few house til I stopped at Ino house

I parked my car and got out once I locked my doors I noticed that Ino just pulled up same with Gaara

I waited for the them on the driveway

We went inside once everyone arrived

The house was empty when we went inside to our surprise

We went to Ino room where we saw a sticky note on the door

Went out with Kushina and Minato won't be back til the morning have fun

Well looks like we got the house to ourselves what do you guys wanna do ?

I smirked

Movie night !!!!!!

Ino shook her head before agreeing

I took my normal seat on the bean bag and waited for everyone to pick a movie that we can watch we finally settled on the Grudge

Once that was over we put in part two and that's how we spent most of the night was just watching scary movies and eating junk food.

Best graduation night ever.

That one night SasuNaru AUWhere stories live. Discover now