Chapter 9

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Sasuke pov

I was running late to the dinner my mother is gonna have my head for being late but it couldn't be helped my boss had all of us in a long as meeting to go over final details of the photo shoot with Mrs. Senju.

I got into my car and started driving to the vacation home. 

45 minutes later -

I parked my car in the driveway and noticed that I was the last one to arrive now I'm really gonna get scolded

I got out my car and headed up the driveway to the front door I just walked in since it's my vacation home I kicked off my shoes after stepping inside the house

I can hear the other talking outside so that's where I started to walk towards while I mentally prepared to get scolded I didn't prepare for a certain blonde to be there

We made eye contact for a brief moment and I felt anger rise in me


Before I can register that I just screamed that my mother got up and grabbed me by the arm pulling me back inside the house

I looked at her pissed off face

Who are you to be screaming outside in front of children no less just because you see your ex who you haven't seen in years and who you just up and left without any reason let alone you threatened the poor boy I won't have this in my house Sasuke now you are gonna go out there and apologize and be have I don't want no arguing, no cussing and no glaring at Naruto or anyone else for that matter do I make myself clear young man.

I wanted to protest with my mom but she had that look on her face when she means business so I just gave in to her

Good now let's go out and you are gonna apologize

I walked out with my mother and went to the table I bowed a little I'm sorry for being rude and cussing in front of children

I took a seat next to my dad away from everyone I focused my sight on the plate in front of me I didn't eat much since I didn't think I can hold it down

Once everyone was finished eating I got up and carried the plates to the kitchen i sighed

It's been awhile since I seen him and I just don't have the guts to face him after what I did my pride won't let me.

I heard the door open I looked to see Itachi holding my nephew

Niisan can I hold him please ?


I washed my hands real quick before grabbing the baby from Itachi he looked like a perfect mix of Itachi and Kurama

I frowned when he started crying I tried to soothe the baby but it didn't work no matter what I tried I was starting to get nervous when Itachi grabbed him from me he seemed to quite down

It seems that my nephew hates me to huh

Don't say that Sasuke Akio doesn't hate you you're just nervous or mad and babies can sense that so that's why he cried when you're more level headed and calm try again and I assure you he'll be fine

Okay Niisan

Now for the Naruto situation you really should talk to him you're both adults it's time to put away petty differences and move on with you're lives Sasuke

I have nothing to say to him I've been fine all these years without him so why talk what good would it do for us Itachi huh ?

It would do a lot of good for one my poor nieces would have two parents instead of one and two maybe you guys can become friends again if you're not wanting to date him at least give it a try hmm

Whose to say those kids are mine ?? You know me and Naruto we're on and off whose to say that he didn't sleep with anyone else during one of our breaks he could've fucked Sai or anyone else with black hair for all I know Niisan

Me and you both know that's not true you know how in love Naruto was with you you were everything to him probably still are next to the girls and Sai really Sasuke I know he kinda looks like you but you really think he'll fuck Sai out of all people especially when Sai was attached to Ino the whole time I highly doubt it you're just being stubborn and it needs to stop I'm tired of this you know those girls are gonna start questioning one day why they only have one parent but their friends and cousins have to and that will be entirely you're fault Sasuke I love you and I always will but you're in the wrong for this

Pfft whatever Niisan

Still acting like a teenager I see okay let me know when you wanna grow up finally Sasuke .

I rolled my eyes at Itachi what does he know anyways ? Absolutely nothing I sighed and made my way to the back yard

My eyes landed on those children running around the yard they had raven hair with Naruto crystal blue eyes i can see some resemblance between us but that can't be I would need a DNA test from them to be absolutely 100% on this

Maybe they've stayed here before I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the many rooms this place had I walked through everyone until I stumbled on the last one I opened the door to find it filled with toys and crap

I looked around until I show two hair brushes on the counter I pulled out a napkin from my pocket and made sure to secure the hairs before putting the brushes back and heading back outside.

I walked around the table and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek

I'm sorry mom but something come up I'll call you later

Okay dear be careful

I will

I made my way back to my car I pulled my phone out and sent Kakashi a text

I'll get my answer one way or another

That one night SasuNaru AUWhere stories live. Discover now