Chapter 6

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Read After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots Chapter 6 MTL English:

The sky was gloomy, spreading from the ground to the sky with no life.

The rain fell on the pines and cypresses and washed the land. There was a depressing breath in the air, heavy and lifeless.

In the misty drizzle, Bai Ruogu walked through the winding path to the cemetery.

Although thousands of years have passed, the cemetery has not changed much. The urns are still put in as before, and the entire tomb occupies a small piece of land.

The tombstones are aligned horizontally and vertically, neat and solemn, and there is no end at a glance.

The security here is strict, the service is attentive, and the rare good feng shui makes the land price very expensive, and it has become a well-known aristocratic cemetery in the entire galaxy.

After Bai Ruogu found his mother's tombstone, he put a bunch of carnations in front of it, and then cleaned the tombstone and its surroundings.

After doing all this, he sat down at random and started chatting with his mother.

I don't know what I'm talking about, anyway, after so many years, it's quite boring for my mother to be here alone, just say something.

He chatted from noon to afternoon, and seeing the rain getting heavier, he stood up and took an umbrella to say goodbye to his mother.

"Swish..." was the sound of rain hitting the umbrella. He went back the same way and thought about what kind of script it was.

Stepping on the ground full of rain, tiny splashes of water splashed, and at the same time, there were bursts of thunder in the sky, and the sky became more gloomy.

Bai Ruogu quickened his pace, and at this moment he suddenly heard the sound of the bottle breaking...

"Clap-", the empty wine bottle smashed to the ground, and the sound was mixed with the sound of rain.

A man with short-to-medium-brown hair lay drunk on a tombstone, his casual clothes slouched and soaked in rain.

He was drenched in soup, his hair stuck to his face and he looked very embarrassed.

He didn't know what he was talking about, crying and laughing, and he didn't know if the wet face was rain or tears were mixed in it.

His head was half upside down, and there was a thin layer of stubble on his chin. The age seems to be in his early thirties, but there is an indescribable decadence and vicissitudes.

Just when the man was groggy and his brain was blurred, a shadow suddenly fell on his eyelids, and then the cold shock disappeared, and his body gradually warmed up.

He opened his eyelids in a daze, only to see a young man with a delicate appearance and a thin body looking down at him from a high place.

And in that young man's hand... was an umbrella, hitting the sky above the two of them.

The rain is still falling, and in this dark gray and empty world, an umbrella separates it all...

The drunk man's eyes were very cloudy, and he couldn't see his mood, so he kept looking up at Bai Ruogu.

Even though the man looked very embarrassed at the moment, when he opened his eyes, those azure blue eyes made people feel like they were immersed in a vast ocean for a moment, deep and charming, but incomprehensible.

BL, MTL After having an AI boyfriend, I will never be afraid of sunspotsWhere stories live. Discover now