Chapter 7

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In the end, they left their contact details with each other. When talking about the man's signature, the man stopped for a while, and said with reminiscence in his eyes: "Let's call it daily."

"Okay." Bai Ruogu agreed. He looked at the man's own eyes and his eyes became deep. Then he paused, and slowly said respectfully, "Teacher Zuri."

After hearing this name day by day, I didn't react. After I realized it, I raised my head and looked at it deeply, but there was a casual expression on my face as if it was concealed.

They said goodbye to each other, and before leaving, Bai Ruogu asked, "Aren't you afraid of not being able to broadcast this script if you hand it over to me?"

Ziri smiled, "I believe this will not be broadcast."

The two said goodbye, and Bai Ruogu walked outside the cemetery. But the man was still lying on the tombstone, drinking the wine he had not finished drinking, staring at the sky dazedly, not knowing what he was looking at...

Although I spent a day in the cemetery today, I got an unexpectedly good script.

Bai Ruogu sat in front of the desk in the rental house, and the lamp illuminated the group.

Wearing anti-fatigue glasses, he marked the copy of the script with a pen.

Even though the two souls are fused together, the memory of the actors is not as deep as before, and there are some gaps in acting skills.

After the electric shock at the beginning, my brain has also been greatly developed. I heard that this era likes to use data to measure people's mental strength. He doesn't know what his current data is, but he can be sure that the flexibility of the brain today is absolutely countless times.

From the moment he came back, he lay down at the desk until twelve o'clock in the evening. Bai Ruogu rubbed his eyes and listened to the simulated sound of cicadas outside the window. He felt sleepy for a while.

It happened that the above notes were at the end, and he wrote a page and a half of his thoughts with the only mental head.

At this point, the entire script has been engraved in his heart and integrated.

The character of the protagonist in it is something he has never had, and the experience of the protagonist is also very fantastic, which is beyond the experience of normal people.

Bai Ruogu knew that he had no experience, only the theoretical knowledge left by his brain. So he was ready, and planned to wait until dawn the next day to find a way to experience it for himself and find resonance.

It was getting late, Bai Ruogu took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom.

Just when the black glass door closed, the light in the room suddenly dimmed...

An invisible object suddenly floated in the air, drifting past with a certain frequency in one direction as if purposefully.

The script was slowly opened by an invisible wind, and the circled notes on it were suddenly exposed to the air.

The lamp flickered, replaced by a faint red light that scanned the script.

Invisibly, a mechanical sound seemed to sound, and the frequency of the sound was not audible by humans at all.

Name: Bai Ruogu.

Age: 21 years old.

Sex: Male.

Physical fitness: C

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