Chapter 19

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After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots Chapter 19 RAW:

As soon as the hot search came out, it not only shocked the jaws of netizens, but even stunned most of the entertainment industry.

No, why don't you play cards according to the routine? Shouldn't it be frantic to justify everyone, but why are there too many black fans who are helpless and slandered?

Why did you jump out of the circle and go directly to the entire court? !

The original melon-eating stars in the entertainment industry were stunned and fell into a life of doubt...

At the same time, netizens were also stunned, staring blankly at the scrolling subtitles on the hot search, they were almost dumbfounded.

[Little sheep who loves melons: Oh my god, who can tell me what happened? ]

[Mu Qingqing: I was scolding Bai Ruogu a second ago and I just want to say something awesome. ]

[Li Zhongke: Spreading rumors? Any solid evidence? So those things are fake? Depend on! This is using us as gunmen! ]

[Black: I can see this operation, Bai Ruogu definitely has a backstage, the kind of thief who is tough, ordinary people can't do this kind of thing. ]

[Pippi Shrimp let's go: I'm **** stupid, this is too rigid, I suddenly turned into a fan. ]

[MechaWarrior 666: Damn it, I suddenly remembered that I was still retweeting Bai Ruogu's "black stuff" during the day, oh my god, I have to hurry up. I beg an unknown boss, I'm just following the trend, don't take me seriously, I'll delete it right away. ]

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and netizens also remembered that they seemed to be blacker than Bai Ruogu, and they thought of the tragic situation of those people before.

Mom! I just wanted to join in the fun, but don't let yourself be caught. It's not easy for Han Chuang to study hard for so many years.

Under the stunned stares who eat melons on the other side, the comments and reposts of the blockbuster were emptied, and this public opinion storm quickly subsided, as if ghosts were chasing them.

In just a few hours, the weather on Xingwang was "calm", as if nothing had happened.


Xu Ran: …

Thinking that when she spent a lot of money, she never saw the hot search withdraw so quickly.

Bai Ruogu was busy filming and didn't surf the Internet for a while, let alone know about the **** storm above.

I'm afraid he would never have imagined that in the past few days, the number of fans has suddenly increased hundreds of times.

He went straight to the street and has now become a little famous.

He still shoots movies as usual, his talent is not bad, and with so many practices, he also has some grasp of the camera.

Today, he is not perfect, but he can also be said to be skilled. Since he often likes to bring in characters to perform, he gradually resonated with the characters.

Bai Ruogu will not become Hua Xingyuan, but he can gradually feel Hua Xingyuan's mood while filming, and can even feel the change between his moods.

Hua Xingyuan is an ignorant and ignorant dude. It seems that he often makes people around him angry, but his heart is very simple.

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