Chapter 8

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Read After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots AHAIB Chapter 8 English MTL:

In today's era, there is a saying: the rich learn mecha and the poor others.

Generally, people who can learn mecha majors are basically children of wealthy families.

This is not because of discrimination, but because the cost of learning mecha is too expensive, and even a small part may be a month's income for an ordinary family.

Therefore, the makers of mechas are generally people from the upper class, and the vast majority of ordinary people are still learning various professions as before, and actors are one of them.

They account for a large number of all occupations in the interstellar space, but there are many monks and few porridges, and there are only a few characters. In many cases, even if it is a trick, everyone is rushing to come.

Bai Ruogu went to the specialized actor school to contact the school directly, and when he arrived, he found that there was a long queue outside.

Some upright, youthful and green-faced students waited anxiously outside with their documents in hand. Many people were mobilizing their emotions and trying to adapt themselves to every emotion. There are also some timid people who read about themselves, wanting to be less embarrassed later.

Bai Ruogu and Li Huai entered through the back door. The indoor space was relatively large. Maybe the school wanted to wait a while for the students to play well.

A solid wood table is placed against the wall, behind which are two chairs. According to the introduction card placed on the table, we can know that these two chairs are reserved for them.

They are not picky and sit directly by name. After that, I rang the bell on the desk, and soon the first interview student came in...

They explained their identities to the school authorities long before they came, and the school authorities also truthfully explained the situation of the two to the students, especially the interests of the film that might not be broadcast. However, the students are young after all, and they always believe that they are the Jack Sue, and maybe this movie is their explosion.

Therefore, many people are excited during the interview, hoping that they can pass.

In fact, these roles are not key roles, and many characters are short-lived. The students also knew it, but they were unwilling to let it go, especially after knowing that the director had won so many awards, they even grasped the idea of ​​hugging their thighs.

In the end, the roles were almost determined, and most of them were male characters.

A character with a heavy role is a lively and cheerful big boy.

The height of the other party is 1.8 meters, and he speaks carelessly. According to the description of friends, he is also a person of loyalty in life.

At the beginning of the audition, Bai Ruogu was a little surprised when he heard that the other party wanted to interview for this role.

Because in the script, this character is an image similar to a nerd, who is obsessed with studying all day, and seems to be confused and seriously inconsistent.

However, when the other party took out his glasses and put them on, his temperament suddenly changed and he became a quiet boy. He casually raised his head and smiled shyly, as if he had really become the person in the play. Although it's a promise, it's not annoying.

BL, MTL After having an AI boyfriend, I will never be afraid of sunspotsWhere stories live. Discover now